003. Protective custody.

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season 5, episode 1.

Alexandria walked back into the room with two cups of coffee, "One sugar with coffee for the Doctor-" She gave the coffee to Spencer with a smile on her face, which he returned while taking it from her hands, "And one black coffee for Moi

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Alexandria walked back into the room with two cups of coffee, "One sugar with coffee for the Doctor-" She gave the coffee to Spencer with a smile on her face, which he returned while taking it from her hands, "And one black coffee for Moi." She finished her sentence with a grin as her words adorned a French accent,  "I would've gotten one for you Dad, but the doctor told me to let you rest for a bit." She smiled apologetically at him, "Doctors orders." He gave her a tight-lipped smile back.

"I haven't had the chance to ask yet, are you okay?" The brunette asked her father, "If its alright with you, could you tell us what happened?" Spencer looked up when the girl indirectly addressed him, moving his chair so that it was facing Hotch he kept a supportive look on his face when the mans eyes flashed to him.

The machine started rapidly beeping.

Panic shot through Alex as Spencer shot up and called for the doctors, "What happened?" "Do I look like I know?" Alex spit back. Noticing the doctor was looking up at her and frozen in shock she simply turned the doctors head back to her father and told her, "Fix him!"

Spencer noticed the tense atmosphere and tried to catch the girls attention by slightly kicking her leg, "Alex." She looked at him and followed the young doctor – one she did trust – out of the room.

"Agent Hotchner, can you hear me?" Alex's hand wrapped around her own stomach as she softly started tapping her feet, "Agent Hotchner?" "I'm okay, tell Alex I'm okay." Sighing in relief at her father's voice she started making her way back into the room, only being stopped by Spencer's arm and the voice of the doctor, "I'm going to need you to stay out of the room." She turned back to Hotchner, "Breathe in slowly, and exhale."

The ringing of Spencer's phone brought the duo out of their comfortable state, "They're safe." Relief flooded the bodies of not only Aaron but Alex as well. She had loved Haley as a mom from the moment she met when she was eight-teen years old. After conversing with his team Spencer closed his phone and joined Alex as she stood at the glass door. "Do you think he's going to be okay?" Spencer look at the woman next to him with gentle eyes, "He will be." he answered. "He's the strongest person I know." Alex finished.

The two brunettes sat side by side as they drank their coffee, waiting on the arrival of Haley and Jack. Alex was going over what had happened in her head, staring intently at one spot of the wall she didn't notice Spencer standing up to greet the rest of his team. She was snapped out of her dreamlike state when a pitter patter off small feet broke out in the hallway. Looking up she saw Jack running at her with open arms, and a smile so wide his cheeks nearly split. "Jacky!" She hoisted the toddler up under his arms and spun him around, "Lexi!" Giggles erupted from them both as she gave him a big kiss on the cheek. "How've you been bud?" she send a smile to Haley as she saw the woman approaching, silently communicating with the blonde. Ill stay with Jack, go check up on Aaron.

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