Birthday- Peter Quill

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It's an OC, no backstory, just a name ❤️

"Why exactly are we doing this?" Rocket groaned as he grabbed tape from a drawer and handed it to Mantis who was standing on a chair across from Gamora.

"We're celebrating Stella's birthday."

"With fabric with words hung up?" Mantis inquired as she held the banner.

"It's something we do on earth, but you usually it's some plastic type fabric. I can't remember."

"Where is Stella?" Drax asked as he walked in, holding a bag of zargnuts.

"I sent her to a supply shop..."

"She's been gone for like two hours." Gamora stated. "The closest one is like twenty minutes away."

"A supply shop on the other side of the planet...she won't be back for another a hour or two. I have Kraglin hiding out, so he's gonna inform me when she's coming back."

"You really planned this all out." Rocket spoke as he walked by Peter towards the cockpit.

"Yes I did, so I want it to go smoothly, please and thank you." He shouted the last part to make sure everyone heard.

"Yes/sure/whatever/I am Groot."

"Drax?" Peter asked, Drax just looked at him confused.


Peter just rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's keep decorating!" The music was blasting his awesome mix vol 2. The crew were all bobbing their heads, singing along since they've heard the songs more times then they could count. Currently my sweet lord was playing as Peter wrapped Stella's gift, smiling like a proud idiot.

"Cap'n." He heard Kraglin's voice over com's.


"She's on the way."

Peter's eye's widened. "Shit! Okay, thank you Kraglin." He shot up and ran into the main room of the Milano. "She's on her way!"

"Who is?" Drax asked, smiling proudly.

"Stella!" Everyone shouted besides Drax.

"Is everything ready?!" Peter exclaimed as he checked over everything, he wanted everything to be perfect for his girl. "Do we have food? Decor? Gifts? Music? Is the place clean?"

"Quill!" Gamora grabbed his shoulders. "Everything is good! She's gonna love it!"

Peter took a deep breath. "Thanks." He sighed. Gamora patted his shoulder and walked off. Peter fixed his shirt and slicked his hair back.

"You still look like a dick, no matter how hard you try not to." Rocket snickered.

"Rude! Don't be an asshole to Stella, that can be your gift to her."

"I got her a gift." Rocket mumbled.

Peter looked at him in shock and placed his hand on his hip. "You did?"

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