Blair Sparrow

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She is an original character, I have written three books about her. This was a request from my friend! ❤️

I stood at the wheel, looking out at the ocean. The waves hitting the boat, the sea splashing against my face, made me smile. The warm sunny glow against my skin was so calming. It was so peaceful, so beautiful.

As the sun rose, so did my crew. I watched as they all made their ways around the ship, lugging around barrels, rope and other random items they were holding for some reason.

I grabbed my compass and turned the ship accordingly, we are currently headed towards Ship Wreck Cove. I was to meet with my grandfather, after I became king. I didn't have much time to learn what that all entailed. So I am returning about a month later to find out what being the king of pirates truly means.

"Captain." I turned my head to the voice of Ragetti, looking at me with a crookeded smile.

"Yes?" I gave him a warm smile in return. Ragetti was one of the sweetest members of my crew. He was dumb, but sometimes he said things that were so intelligent, I did double takes. But we had a good connection, we respected one another. But he still knew who was in charge.

"Do we have a heading?"

"Aye. We should be there around tomorrow's sunset." I said as I shut the compass in my hand.

"Alrighty!" He muttered and walked off towards Pintel. Those two were like brothers to me and I was their older sister. It was a great bond that I hoped to never break.

I looked at the boys for a while, smiles on their faces. But the rest of my crew looked unhappy, un pleasant, like they would be anywhere but here. They did not look like the crew I had started off with a month prior.

As I looked at them, studying their body language, a horribly stupid idea that my father would probably have had popped in my head.

"Andrew!" I shouted. The tall blonde man, looked up from the deck, his brown eyes squinting to look at me.

"Yes Captain?"

"On the wheel!" I ordered. He dropped the rope he was holding and quickly ran up the deck, as I made my way down the opposite stair case towards my quarters. I arrived in my room and shut the door behind me.

Time to work.

An hour pass before I remerged. The crew gave me a glance and got back to work. I walked back up the stairs. "You are relived of your duties." I said to Andrew as I subtly pushed him away from the wheel.

"Aye Captain." He made his way back down to his station and I walked forward, standing near the railing, showing my power over these people.

"Attention!" I shouted. Everyone stopped working and looked at me, a bit of fear filled my chest. But I stood up straight and took a breath, feeling confident. I was their Captain. I am the Pirate king for bloody sake.

"Their seems to be a lack of enthusiasm on my ship. Why is that?" The crew stayed silent. "Someone answer me."

"We don't feel the same joy like we used to Captain. The long days are gettin to us." A woman named Eve said as she took off her hat.

"Are they now?" I pushed my self off the railing and began descending the stairs, my jacket blowing behind me. "Well, I can see that by the way you all hang your heads like you've got a noose wrapped around it." They all looked down shamefully. "But." They all looked up, meeting my gaze. "I have an idea. One that might lift your spirits."

"What might that be?" Pintel asked.

"Challenges!" I exclaimed.

If I could have captured this moment, it would have been priceless. So many confused faces looked at me. I nearly had to bite my tongue to contain the chuckle that threatened to leave my throat.

"Challenges?" Eve asked.

"You heard me correct. Challenges. As your Captain, I demand you participate." They all looked at me with some fear and I just smirked.

-Time Pass-

I stood on the railing, two life boats by my side. All my crew stood on the deck looking at me. Ready to hear what ever I was gonna say.

"First challenge. A relatively simple one. In groups of five, you will race to drop your boat in the water and then race to hoist yourselves back up. Sound good?" I had to explain a couple more times, but eventually. I got people into groups and after I said 'start'. To my surprise the place erupted into cheers, yells, swears, random noises. The crew got into it, I saw more and more smile as they cheered their fellow crew mates.

"Do you have more challenges!" A cremate named David asked.

I just smiled. "I do."

I came up with some other ones. Who could tie the fastest knot, drink a bottle of rum the fastest...let's just say...Andrew was out for a while. Could barley stand, poor lad. To my shock and everyone else's. Ragetti came in second to Daniel in the rum drinking contest.

As the day went out, more smiles filled the ship as we went about our day. I would introduce challenges whenever they started to look gloomy. I thought this would only last a week.

Three months later and whenever the crew wants their spirits lifted we do some games. We have become the talk of the town, I get offer after offer wondering if they can join my crew. I deny them all. Only comfortable with the crew the ship came with.

Captains of other ships have come up to me at taverns asking me what I do to have a crew in such high spirits. I tell them. I tell them what to do and they look at me perplexed.

In the time when I visited my grandfather, he told me to be a leader not a follower. Lead the way for other pirates. So I try. Wanting more Captains to have a crew as loyal as mine.

And you may be wondering, why would I want such a happy crew?

Because it makes me warm and fuzzy inside to know they happy!

Pfft no

There's a less chance of a mutiny happening

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