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Thick clusters of cocaine-colored snow gracefully fell from the sky and plummeted on the ground

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Thick clusters of cocaine-colored snow gracefully fell from the sky and plummeted on the ground. The frigid winter breeze violently soared through the streets of Downtown Chicago, sending shivers through Infiniti's body. The sounds of boots crunching into the layered snow could be heard as people walked to their destinations. Salt trucks could be seen making their rounds through the streets, laying down salt to prevent slips and accidents.

The swooshing sounds of the Walgreens doors opening caught Infiniti's attention, giving her the opportunity to finally lift her head up. The speed of the snowfall had increased and had begun to block her vision as she made her travel. Infiniti slid her feet against the mat at the door, attempting to dry her feet as much as she could. She hated the squeaky noise that wet shoes made, it messed with her ears too much.

Directing her attention to the line at the register, Infiniti groaned in agony. The line was currently backed up to the Pharmacy counter and there was only one person on the register. Every impatient bone in Infiniti's body wanted to walk back out of the store, but she needed essentials so she had to suck it up for the day.

A snow storm was supposedly headed toward Chicago, according to all of the news channels. There was six feet of snow expected to come, so everyone was out getting their last minute needs before it got too bad out. Most roads had already begun to close, which is why Infiniti decided to walk to the closest Walgreens in her area. She hated traffic on regular days, she wasn't about to let snow traffic stress her out even more.

Looking up at the navy blue sign that hung from the ceiling, Infiniti looked for the aisle with household items. She needed a new pack of toilet paper and paper towels. She grabbed a shopping bucket that was by the door and walked to her point of interest. Putting her materials in the bucket, she went to the snack section. She had food to cook, but just in case the power went out she needed stuff to eat that didn't need to be cooked. She grabbed her favorite candies and chips, dumping them into the bucket. Going into the next aisle, she picked up a pack of water and found her spot in line.

Turn on the Lights by Future blared through her left airpod as she stood still, her vision directed at her feet. She'd normally busy herself with her phone but her hands were occupied, so she let her eyes wander the ground for the time being. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, her head bolted up looking behind her. There was an old white man behind her, motioning for her to move up. Infiniti sent a tight lipped smile his way and followed the motion of the line, this time looking around at the different people to keep her occupied.

Infiniti began to take her items out of her bucket once she finally made it to the register. She laid her items neatly on the conveyor belt, watching as the associate began to scan each item. She averted her attention to the card machine once all of her items were bagged. She completed her purchase and grabbed her bags, throwing her hood back on as she walked through the sliding doors.

"Shit let me turn the heat on" Infiniti mumbled under her breath, her frozen hands trembling from the long walk. She slid her black UGG boots off of her feet at the door and placed her bags next to them. Turning on her light, she took off her coat and laid it on the single stool that sat at her kitchen counter. She walked over to her thermostat to turn her heat up then made her way to the stove. Turning the knob all the way to high, Infiniti placed her hands over the flame, desperately trying to warm her body up.

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