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It's been two months since the last time he vomited on Seokjin under intoxication and got a boner in clear conscience because Seokjin's neck looked so thick. It's been 5 weeks since he went to another party with Jihyun and got laid. He had sex but he got more frustrated after doing it. The guy was almost a fake porn star making all those fake moans and disgusting open-mouth kisses on his shoulders from that guy who made Jungkook gag in the middle of the sex, he left with a half-hard dick receiving a slap from that poor guy.

Everything is going downhill, nothing is there in Jungkook's hand. He is getting disapproval from his professor about how he succeeded in failing in all the subjects internals. He got a warning about how he might lose his scholarship for the next term if he didn't pass his term. As if it's not enough his parents get to know about his sports scholarship from his old college. They had to tell him how bad son he is for not telling anything about it as if they would have appreciated him and encouraged him. So it's been 3 weeks since he talked to his parents. He didn't receive any calls from them. They decided to embarrass him by calling Hoseok and Seokjin to tell him to call home. For god's sake, he wants to be alone and people are acting it's so rocket science to understand it.

Jungkook's fingers gripped his hair tight swallowing the groan. He fucking doesn't know what's going on in his life. There is nobody like nobody is there to understand him. He just wants to prove himself why does it have to be so difficult? His father's voice echoes in his ears telling him how he won't succeed in this, he will be left out with nothing if he neglects his studies now.

Jungkook screamed not caring who was there in the surroundings. The voice echoed in the night field. He sat there in the middle of the football field the ball beside him. As if mocking him about how he was unsuccessful for 10 times straight to send it to the net. It was not like they were playing a game, it was just their coach wanted to see their abilities finally... finally but Jungkook fucked up. He performed worst which he couldn't accept it. How can he play so bad? There is no way Jungkook is a bad player. He started playing when he was 5 years old. He can't be the one who can't kick the ball to the goal.

He didn't expect the cool can touch near his knee. He doesn't want to talk to anyone. This guy Harry is stubbornly acting like he is going to be his life savior or something. Following him everywhere trying to encourage him when he never asked him for it. Today he is going to tell him he is not going to fuck him at the end if that's what he is expecting. But he got embarrassed more seeing it was his coach.

" Take it"

" I don't want, sir"

Yoongi sits on the ground in front of Jungkook with crossed legs keeping the energy drink between his limbs.

" The ball wasn't even near the goal "

" I know that, if you are here to scold me or tell me I am not qualified to play in the group you can be straightforward"

Yoongi shook his head while opening the drink and sipping it.

" Group selection starts next month you guys have a whole month to improve your skills "

" I am skilled I will show it to everyone "

Jungkook says with determination but still, there is an uneasiness because nobody believes it. Of course, his coach is not any different.

" I want my students to be passionate about what they are doing -"

" So you are telling me I am not passionate about football? Do you even know my story? How much have I struggled to be here? How many sacrifices have I made to be here? I am here to prove myself-"

" Why I should know how much you struggled to do what you love to do? Why? Are there any obligations? "

" It's... No... No, you are not and-"

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