Chapter 3

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I knelt by the third hauler in line, having worked down the row, when a shadow blanketed my scrutiny of the tracks. Grumbling ensued on my part. Wasn't it bad enough they'd neglected the hauler's maintenance on their trek? Why did they have to pester me about the repairs? Maybe they could have troubled themselves to stop walking on occasion and tighten a few bolts, then we wouldn't be in this position.

I voiced something to that effect over my shoulder, requesting them to shift out of my light. Some of the tracks were barely hanging on, probably slipping over half the terrain. Consider it a miracle they made it here.

"They probably had other priorities." Ruby's voice shattered my focus, the ratchet slipping off a bolt and my knuckle banging aluminum. I swore.

"Based on those hides covering their backs," she continued, unfazed. "I would say they made the right choice to keep on the move, rather than become dinner for whatever beast next came over the rise."

"Suppose so," I muttered, and twisted my body then tilted my face, to squint against the sun and find her face outlined by its harsh brightness.

Today appeared to be an exception to Ruby's vow of silence. "I trust you can spare a minute." I'd never noticed her cultured accent before.

Checking my naked wrist, I thought of saying, Sure, you caught me on my break, but decided better of it. I twitched a shoulder to resemble a shrug. "Anything for Team Guard."

"Thank you." She settled into a squat before my seated form. I held my ratchet and propped a wrist on a raised knee. "Seeing as how you're expected to report to me promptly, on any unusual activity outside the settlement, this is standard protocol."

"I'd rather not, please." The polite word tried to soften the bite in the others. Not sure if it worked. "The unusual activity is still too painful."

Her gaze leveled hard with mine, lip twisted in thought. "A few simple answers will provide important details in order to do my job. Just like a few tools in your belt make certain you can do yours." I rolled my eyes on the inside. Yeah, a few tools was all it took. "One thing I'd like to know was how did they manage to survive such predator attacks."

I doubted myself capable of providing insight on that topic as I'd entertained the thought a time or two of being the predator that succeeded, after what they did to Raven. I stood, groaning at the stiffness from hunching over hauler tracks for way too long. "What's there to know?"

She straightened easily, always ready to spring it seemed. "Did you have any indication of the attack before it happened?"

Hmm. There'd been a boulder shifting, hadn't there? But so what? Rocks shifted all the time around here. "Not really," I finally said.

"Their team leader told me minor points. From your perspective, how did they eliminate the threat?"

The threat! How dare she refer to my brother's pet raptor, that way! She was the frigid queen. I shivered, partial anger and more. I'd rather rebuild a sanitation pump with the dirtiest clog than walk through the memory, for her.

Nevertheless, I had committed myself to the success of this settlement and to fulfill whatever was required of me. First, I released a heavy exhale, then let her face smudge out while I dredged up the event. "This long, yellowish body leapt, from somewhere high up in the rocks, massive paws, bared fangs, and ... and Raven flattened to the ground."

"So, the bird was flying at the time?"

"More like soaring," I whispered.

"And the Guard managed to jump from the cliff, with accuracy of timing and stealth to take out its prey?"

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