Chapter 8

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To say the least, my words left Dan dumbstruck. He worked, a short while, to recover his voice, and slowly placed the feathered suit on a nearby table. I'd created such shock over as simple a request as to teach me how to fly?

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said.

"Why not? You were going to show my brother." Hands on hips, I tapped a foot.

"He won't turn into a vengeful bird of the night." He wore a smooth smile, trying to charm his way through that statement. The mouth snared my attention.

But, I wasn't moved, much. Beyond the fluttering in my chest, excitement for what I was about to do of course, I decided anger heated my face and I glared.

"Those things she said were uncalled for," Dan said, gently. "Leigh is trying to look out for her people, and just needs some time away from the cloaks."

"And some time with me," I snarled.

He casually gestured with a hand in my direction. "And that is why I'm not showing you how to grow talons."

I simmered and tightened my glare. "Fine! I'll just break my neck then. And you can be responsible for another death."

Immediately, his humored demeanor dissolved. His amber eyes simmered like orange embers as he lowered his brow. "I was wrong. You already have talons."

Cheap shot, I knew it, a real low blow, but a mechanic had to use all the tools in her belt, or box, to get the job done. "My brother is not a nut job."

"And you're going to prove it?" he finished for me, stepping closer.

"That's right." My nostrils flared, and his cedar, citrus scent infiltrated every pore, effecting a deeper inhale.

"By doing something totally insane." I had to look up to meet his intensely fired gaze from such close proximity.

"Considering you turned into a puma," I began. "Turning into a bird of prey isn't so far-fetched."

He wasn't budging, not moving an inch. 

"You offered to show my brother. You said it was working when he tried. Why not me?" My hands turned and I pressed fingers into my chest, where his gaze then traveled. "You had so much confidence in his work. You trusted him with your precious cat cloak."

"It's not my cloak, not anymore," he said, shifting his gaze. "I'd rather not have anything to do with it." He stared at Raven's remains, draped over my arm.

"Even if Nate fixes it?" I prodded.

"I cannot lose control like that, ever. I set the example for my Guard." He turned his hand and jammed a finger at his chest.

"You won't," I snapped. "My brother's a genius. He will solve the problem. He might already have with this." I grabbed the feather suit. "I'm done talking."

And walked out.


"Steph," Dan said, his steps so quiet as he caught up, his voice giving my name a slew of connotations, each one full of depth. "What exactly is your plan here? Do you even have one?"

Pausing briefly, I glared. "I'm going to jump off a cliff," then continued my trek, huffing a bit from emotion as much as exertion.

"Won't work."

"Why, because I'm not one of the Guard? Just your everyday mechanic."

He shook his head as his long legs matched my energetic, somewhat anger-fueled pace.

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