A Whole New World

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"How much longer until we get there?" Toph asked impatiently as the spaceship hurtled though space at immense speed. This whole trip had made her antsy as she hasn't enjoyed being away from solid ground for this long.

"It shouldn't be long now. We should be getting a visual on Pandora sometime soon." Sokka told her. The trip across space has made the gaang tired.

"Your spaceship design is still really impressive Sokka." Katara encourages her brother.

"Yeah, too bad that when the inventor and I came up with the plans for these spaceships the fire lord used the idea for evil. No offense Zuko." Sokka mused as he ruminates on the ever-expanding reach of the fire nation.

"None taken. That's pretty much been his whole thing." Zuko remarks admitting that his family is still a touchy subject.

"We knew he was evil, but we could have never imagined that he would make an alliance with the earth kingdom and the water tribes. All of that just to attack the people of Pandora." Suki remarks. The gaang can feel how insurmountable the odds are stacked up against them.

"My brother has always had great ambitions. His need to conquer cannot be contained to just one planet. With our experience it might just be enough to defeat him." Said Iroh.

"Yeah but come on guys we've faced worse than this." Aang tells the group as he comes from grooming Appa's hair in the stable. "It's the avatars job to bring balance to the world. Now with Ozai threatening the balance of another world it's our job to stop him. The Na Vi are a strong people. They can fight back against Ozai. We just need to show them how. If we give it our all we can win this fight." Aang said to lighten the mood.

"Hey, we're coming up on Pandora we should be able to see it." Sokka announces to the gaang. Everyone except Toph goes over to the window to gaze upon Pandora. A lush blue and green world orbiting around a blue gas giant. As the gaang lay their eyes on the planet they can't help but feel that feeling. That indescribable feeling that comes from knowing how small you really are and how little of an impact you really have.

"Do you think they have tea? I haven't had a cup for months." Complained Iroh. Sokka had to maintain a planned environment on the ship so that meant they couldn't boil tea.

"I have absolutely no idea, uncle." Said Zuko. As he stares in awe at pandora.

From the time they spotted the planet it took them six hours to land on the surface. When their craft touches down and the doors open up the Gaang immediately burst forth out into the open air.

"Land! Sweet Land! I've missed you so much!" Toph yells as she plunges into the dirt. She joyously digs herself into the ground like a badger mole. Covering herself in unfamiliar dirt. The entire gaang is grateful to be out of that ship. Aang didn't have any fresh air to bend for the entire trip. The minute he breathes in the fresh air of Pandora the mood overtakes him. He whips out his glider and launches into the air. It just feels so good for him to air bend again. He loves feeling the fresh wind in his face.

"Oh it feels so good to get out of that cramped ship." Katarra exclaims as she stretches her arms. She's eager to find a large fresh water source so she can bend as well.

"Yeah I'm sure we all want to take some time and smell the flowers but we can't. We have to get right down to business." Sokka tells the group keeping them focused on their goal. "We have to find the Na Vi." He said. Aang lands on the ground and folds his glider back up.

"The Na Vi live in a place called home tree." Aang said.

"Let me guess It's a very big tree that they call their home." Zuko says half sarcastically.

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