Suki: Captured

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Suki had a bag over her head and was strapped to a chair. The Dai Li's stone hands were formed into braces binding her to the chair with earth bending. It was painful to struggle against the stone. But she struggles anyway, writhing wiggling trying to free herself. She yells out great obscenities that echo off the walls of the dank room she is being held in. Nobody is around to help her. She is completely at the mercy of her captors. Eventually the bag is removed from her head, and she is presented with the man who captured her. It's Long Feng, the earth kingdom puppet master that gave the gaang quite a bit of trouble back on her world. On this new world he's up to his old nefarious schemes.

"Hello Suki." Long Feng greets her with a calm and dulcet tone.

"Who are you and what do you want with me? If you don't let me go, you're in for a world of hurt." Suki threatens him.

"Allow me to explain. My name is Long Feng. On our world I was close to ruling the entire earth kingdom. It's my understanding that you are a great warrior who fought for the earth kingdom. You don the makeup and armor of avatar Kyoshi. She was a great avatar who brought pride and honor to the earth kingdom. I still want to bring honor to the earth kingdom and what I'm doing here will do just that. You see the earth kingdom, fire nation and water tribes have joined together to form the united bending empire. This empire will stand for thousands of years and rule over entire planets. It will be glorious. Right now we're mining stone elements for us to make our bending more powerful. This will make the earth kingdom more powerful. The only thing standing in our way is a few tribes of savages who can't even bend." He explains to Suki.

"Killing me won't change anything. My friends will still find you and stop you." Suki blurts out with as much stank as she can put on it.

"You misunderstand me young lady. I don't want to kill you. I want you to join me. A skilled warrior such as yourself would be a great asset to the United Bending Empire. I can see your passion for tradition and your loyalty to the earth kingdom goes deep down to your core. So, I'm asking you Suki join me and together we will bring glory to the earth kingdom." Long Feng tells her with utter sincerity. Suki can barely believe what she is hearing.

"There is no way I would join an evil, sadistic, abusive, sociopath like you!" Suki screams in defiance. She felt like she made the ground shake with that one.

"Fair enough. I thought I could convince you, but I guess I'll just have to change your mind." Long Feng said as he walked to the door. As he exits the room two of his dai li agents enter with a cart full of equipment. They plan to perform a procedure on Suki. The dai li's infamous mind control ritual. When they are done with her Suki will just be another puppet that Long Feng will control.

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