The Way of Water Bending

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The gaang are soaring through the air on Appa's back. The open ocean stretches out before them. Every once in a while, they catch a glimpse of an astounding sea creature that surfaces out of the water. It's peaceful on the open sea. They're following Neytiri and Jake who are guiding them on their banshees. They're taking them to the eastern sea to meet with the Metkayina clan. The Na'Vi of the water. Their seas have been attacked by the united bending alliance. They are headed to the village of Awa'atlu to plan the counter offensive and protect their seas. 

"This ocean is so beautiful!" Katara remarks to her brother. 

"Yeah, I guess this planet isn't completely filled with wild animals that want to eat you." Sokka remarked. The sun and the sea is improving his mood if only a little bit. 

"Oh come on we have worse creatures back at home." Katara reassures her brother. 

"How much farther until we arrive?" Katara asked Aang who is steering Appa.

"Let me ask." Said Aang "Hey Neytiri! How much farther until we reach the village?!" He called out to their Na'Vi ally. The blue woman ignores the question and flies her banshee far ahead like she's trying to lose them. 

"Wow, that woman doesn't like us." Katara said to her friends. 

"It's no wonder why. People from our planet have really done a number to this planet. We're lucky we got Jake to like us." Said Sokka. They ride the rest of the way in silence. Once they approach the village of Awa'atlu they are amazed at what they see. A village centered around an island reef living in perfect harmony with the sea and with nature. The pristine blue water cascades off the white sandy beaches with peaceful beauty. Neytiri lands on a dock of reef side huts. Appa follows her lead and does the same. Jake doesn't land instead he flies off to get a head start on their next destination. A large welcoming party of the oceanic Na'Vi gather to greet the new arrivals. Sokka and Katara can notice subtle differences in these new Na'Vi from ones like Neytiti. Lighter skin tone, tails that look like fins, just little things. Among the welcome wagon are the Leaders of this tribe, Tonowari and Ronal. Trusted allies that are in desperate need of help. Neytiri dismounts her banshee, and the water tribe kids dismount Appa. They say their goodbyes to the rest of the gaang as Appa gets back into the air. They have a different mission to go on. The water tribe kids do their best to say hello to the Na'Vi that surround them but some language barriers get in the way. 

"Welcome, sister Neytiri" Tonowari greets the new arrivals. "I only wish our reunion could be under better circumstances." He said.

"What have the new sky people done to harm you?" Neytiri asked he Na'Vi friends. 

"Always straight to the point with you Neytiri. The sky people call themselves water benders now. They are able to command the waves at will. They have killed our fish and brought tsunami's to our islands. Many lives lost." Tonowari said sadly.

"That's awful to hear. I'm so sorry but we're here to help." Katara said to Tonowari.

"Neytiri, who are these allies you brought with you?" Tonowari asked surprised that benders have gotten so close to him. 

"They're outworlders but they say they want to help. Their insight might be useful." Said Neytiri.

"I'm Katara and this is my brother Sokka." She said.

"Welcome Katara and Sokka. Tell me. What do you know of the way of water?" Tonowari asked.

"Oh, I can tell you water is the thing I know best." Said Katara confidently. Then she bends a large waterspout up in the air bringing water down through the air and creating a rainbow. A few oohs and awws come from the crowd.

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