The Drill

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Long Feng walked through the halls of his base with Suki by his side. She's dressed in her full armor and makeup. "I must give you some credit Suki. You were very resistant to the procedure but eventually it was 100% successful." He remarks.

"It wasn't too hard to actually see the truth. This is what's best for the earth kingdom." Said Suki. They come to the command center of their base. The place is filled with earth kingdom officials and soldiers. It's draped in a regal earth kingdom green. The base opens up and reveals a view of the earth kingdoms mining operation. A massive hole in the ground that is crawling with thousands of earth kingdom miners. Bending through the earth with ease constructing this mine to perfectly extract the precious metals inside. At the bottom of this mine is a massive drill. A mining machine boring into the earth with intense noise and rumbling. All to get more resources. The drill has a large fire nation insignia on the side. It resembles technology once used to breach the walls of the great city Ba Sing Sei.

"This is a pretty big operation. So, what are you mining here?" Suki asked Long Feng.

"What a good question. You see, many years ago when humans landed on pandora they discovered vast amounts of an element called unubtanium. This planet is filled with the stuff. They wanted it all, but the Na'Vi fought them off. While they achieved much, they were missing one crucial detail, they couldn't bend. That's our advantage, that's how we'll beat the Na'Vi. This unubtainium is our birthright. As it comes from the earth it falls under the domain of the earth kingdom. It will all be ours." Long Feng explains to Suki.

"Don't get too ambitious Long Feng!" A voice calls out from across the room. Long Feng and Suki whip their heads around to see where it came from. It came from a person who has caused the two of them so much misery. A teenage girl by the name of Azula. She's dressed in regal fire nation armor and wearing a smirk that hides so much evil. She's accompanied by her friends Mai and Ty Lee. They've started calling themselves Ozai's angels. Suki and Long Feng freeze a little bit as the three approach them.

"Never forget who's funding this operation." Azula snidely remarks to Long Feng.

"Azula, it's always a treat to see you." Said Feng.

"It's machines from the fire nation that ensure your success in this endeavor. How a dolt like you has been entrusted with this mine is beyond me." Said Azula taking a jab at Long Feng.

"Might I remind you that your father trusts me with not only this mine but the entirety of the earth kingdom forces on this planet. So to question me is questioning the judgment of your father and you wouldn't want to do that would you?" Said Feng.

"I would also remind you that your mining operation is made possible by technology provided by the fire nation so don't get any delusions of grandeur. My father has a long list of earth kingdom officials that could replace you." Said Azula.

"He has a long list of fools who can't deliver half of what I can. We have bigger problems to focus on. Mainly the Na'Vi." Said Feng.

"Please, the Na'Vi are nothing. They're a cluster of savages hiding in their trees. The fire nation can burn their trees and all their people to the ground." Said Azula.

"That's an astute observation. But I have some news that will complicate your plans. I have it on good authority that Avatar Aang has arrived on this planet to assist the Na'Vi." Said Feng.

"The Avatar, well that does make things interesting. Maybe I'll get to kill him again like I did on our planet." Said Azula as her eyes perked up. "Tell me how did you come across this information?" She asked.

"A fortuitous turn of events. A new soldier has joined our ranks." Feng said gesturing to Suki.

"I believe you've met this young lady before." He said as Suki steps forward to greet the fire nation princess.

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