Twenty Six

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An hour later, in my room, I shut the door and went to my bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face, over the fading redness around my mouth where Harry’s kiss had burned right through me.

“You have to give him space,” I told my reflection.

I dried my face and went back to the bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and lay flat on my back to stare at the ceiling.

My new mantra. Give Harry his space.

More irony. I wanted no space between us.

No clothes. No air but what we shared, sweat mingling like our groans as we came hard together, our bodies tangled until there was no distinguishing where mine left off and his began. . .

God. . .

I shifted on the bed as another erection began to make my jeans tight.

But I didn’t have the full story of Chisana; only little hints of atrocities that he’d endured. For seven years, he’d been living with its repercussions.

Kissing a man had obviously rocked him hard. I prayed it would crack him open and not send him back into whatever barren wasteland he’d been living in. And I’d be there for him, however he needed me to be.

And if he’s drunk right now? If he’s using his name to score some pills? How much space do you give him then?

The NA sponsor in me had to ditch the mantra.

I reached over the side of the bed to fish my phone out of my jacket pocket, then rolled onto my back to text Harry.

It rang in my hand, startling the shit out of me, and I dropped it on my chin.


I peered at the screen. My sister. Her phone call earlier—to tell me Dad was unwilling to talk to me—had set this rollercoaster of a day in motion. Maybe he’d had a change of

“Hey, Doniya.”

“Hi, Zayn, ” she said, her voice laced with regret like it always was lately.

“I just got off the phone with Roger.
We’re coming to Seattle.”

“You are?” My brother, sister and I hadn’t been in the same state for nearly a decade. “When?”

“Soon. Next week, maybe.”

“Okay.” I shifted the phone to my other ear. “Why?”

“We want to see you, dummy,” she said with a forced, watery laugh.

“We miss you.”

My teeth clenched hard, but tears stung my eyes anyway. Instead of pretending I’d just been “far away” and “doing my own thing” for the last seven years, they were now all
forced to contend with the reality of me.


“Sorry. Yeah, that would be good.”

“God, I hate this.” Doniya’s voice became muffled as she told one of her two children—nephews I’d never met—to “Be quiet, Mommy’s on the phone.” She came back on.

“What was I saying?”

“You hate this.”

“I do. I hate that things happened the way they did. Ro does too. We both moved far away, got busy with our own lives and just. . .” She sighed.

“It was really easy to take your word for it when you said you were fine.”

I covered my eyes with my hand.

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