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please excuse any mistakes❤️‍🩹


     In the middle of the night, Justus was wide awake staring at the ceiling. His arms were folded behind his head as he lied in only a pair of Calvin Klein briefs in the middle of his California king size bed.

Letting out a deep sigh, Justus glanced in the direction of the full moon that shone through his floor to ceiling windows before turning on his side and grabbing his phone. He disconnected the charger cord and the screen illuminated the room. Squinting his eyes, he turned the brightness down and checked the time in the process.

Seeing that it was almost one in the morning, Justus smacked his lips. He didn't know why but for some reason, his mind wouldn't allow him to sleep. His thoughts were racing, continuous images of the many businesses he ran appearing in his mind. He thought of his recent trip to Atlanta a week ago, and the state of his nightclub, The Amex.

Renovations weren't exactly going as he had originally planned and he was trying to figure out a way for everything to get done by the specific date he had set. His goal was for the whole club to be finished with renovations by the end of the month so that he could open in the new month and continue that stream of income. The only issue that he was running into was getting the contractor to work quick enough and hold up their end of the deal. The end of the month was thirteen days away and they were barely halfway finished.

Unlocking his phone, Justus tapped on the Instagram app and immediately started to scroll. Posts from family, friends, multiple clothing brands, artists, and blog sites flooded his timeline and he looked at as many as he felt, double-tapping on the photos that he did like and bypassing the ones that he didn't. He soon became bored with looking at the same people and switched to the explore page, beginning to scroll.

As he scrolled slowly, his stomach began to growl. He tried to ignore it but it became a constant growling and he started to get irritated with it and decided to just get out the bed to go get something to eat. He knew already that he had no food in his refrigerator due to him never being at home unless it was to sleep, so he thought it was best to just go out and get something.

He climbed out of bed, throwing on a thick black Essentials hoodie and matching sweat pants. He pulled his socks on and went into his closet to grab a pair of sneakers when Raven crossed his mind. He contemplated on whether he should invite her out with him and looked at the time again.

12:28 AM

"Fuck it." He shrugged, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and unlocking his phone. He went straight to his messages and scrolled a little to find the right number before sending a quick text. Hopefully she was awake.


you up?

Is this a booty call??

lmao nah just tryna
see if you wanted to get
some food w me.
you hungry?

I am. Pick me up?

20 minutes
𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 12:34 𝖠𝖬


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