2| Let's go on a date!

13 4 2

A/N oh I've never mentioned the MC name! I'm sorry! She is Ru!

Daunald (musician guy) always had a crush on Kuaira (Ru's best friend).
Everyone knows about that. He has confessed to her many times before and always been flirtatious with her. Kuaira too is amused by his acts and is also flirty towards him. Though she has not accepted his proposal yet. Meaning they are not a couple. But everyone considers them one because it's so obvious.

Daunald, dressed in his best outfit, went to Kuaira's Room that is just in front of his.
She was sitting there with her roommates. All of them were watching something on TV.

They all looked at him upon his arrival.

"Hey! Kuaira!" He greeted.

"Yo Daunald!"

"Wanna hang out with me today?" He asked.

"Hey you two! talk outside! We're on a climax here!" Gokul shouted at them for disturbance.

They looked at him for a moment but payed no attention to him.

"Where?" She asked.

"Just a stroll around the town..?" He said. And we can hear Gokul shouting in the background and Yaahi sighing.

"Sure!" She replied.

Daunald grinned. "See you at 7 at the gates"

He left closing the door behind. Gokul was glaring at Kuaira.
"What? That movies ain't even that interesting!" Kuaira defended her. To which everyone glared at her. The movie was Avatar.

At 7 PM she met Daunald who just took out the car from the parking lot.

"Hey!" He greeted from the window.

"Why did you take our car?" She asked upon seeing their car.

"Hehe... Trishi went out in ours" He looked innocent.

For each room group there is one car. Though there are few extras that anyone can use.

"So let's go!" He cheered excitedly.
Just when he was about to turn on the engine his phone rang.
He cut the call without even seeing the ID. His phone range again. He cut that again. But it rang third time again. Frustrated he looked at his phone. It was from his younger brother Maunald.

"What does this nutcracker want now?" He grunted.

"Just answer it..." Kuaira said bored.

"What do you want?" He grumbled.

"Hehe, do you remember bro what you did last night?" Maunald said in a smug voice.

"I slept." He said and was about to cut the call when he heard further. "As a revenge for eating my jelly, I deleted your draft of the song that you were composing for the festival heehee"
He faked the demon laugh from the other end.

This made Daunald's blood boil. Maunald is now in Who knows whom mercy. Daunald gave his blood, sweat and tears to make that song, just to impress Kuaira.

"He's dying to tonight!!" Daunald yelled and stormed out of the car.

Kuaira sighed at his act. He always acts like this.. she wasn't disappointed in the least. Maybe because this is also a part of him that she likes.


At house.

Daunald slammed the door open "MAUNALD!!" Everyone came to look what happened.

Daunald went to his room first. "Where is that nutcracker!?" He asked fuming.

"He just went out of the house from back window." Saira who was scrolling through her phone responded.

Duanald didn't waste a second to go after him.

Kuaira heard a knock on the car door where she was still waiting for Daunald hoping he might get back.

"Maunald?" She said seeing him.

"Yeah, my brother's got a bad stomach. He was embarrassed to admit that in front of you, so he come up with an act." He said innocently.

"Oh.. i see ."

"But I thought you'd be sad. So would you mind if I gave you a ride?" Maunald asked in a accent to which Kuaira chuckled.


And off they went to a ride.

Kuaira knew all along what's going on but this can be one way to tease Daunald for ditching her.
Meanwhile Daunald made ruckus in whole house trying to find his little devil brother.

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