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As you sat across from Eren, his eyes fixated on your features, it was clear that the night was still young and full of possibilities. Despite the jovial atmosphere, Eren couldn't help but question why you weren't indulging in any drinks. "I can't help but wonder why a young and stunning woman such as yourself wouldn't want to partake in a few cocktails on such a special occasion. After all, isn't it one of life's simple pleasures?" Eren quipped, his playful tone carrying through the air as he took another sip of his wine, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Not even champagne during special events?"

Eren's mind was left in a state of bewilderment as you gently reminded him, "You seem to forget I don't go to special events?" The realization dawned on him that he had truly forgotten about this fact. In the midst of his kind-heartedness, he had become a little too absorbed at the moment, causing his usual carefulness to slip away. Despite this, he chuckled and shook his head, acknowledging his mistake.

"My apologies... I realize now that my comment was foolish. I understand that being a maid may not be a job that involves attending special events," he spoke playfully, his eyes reflecting a mischievous glint.
"You are correct," you replied, placing the full glass on the table and smiling. Eren returned your smile, arching his eyebrow as he spoke in a warm, gentle tone.
"Since you're not drinking, what would you like to do tonight? We could spend time getting to know each other better. What are your preferences, Venus?" His soft and respectful tone starkly contrasted his usual demeanor, revealing a side of him that you had never seen before. Despite this unusual behavior, it was a refreshing change.

"I hope my choice not to drink won't affect your enjoyment of your wine," you said, offering a kind smile. He chuckled at your comment, seemingly unfazed by your refusal to partake in the alcohol.

"Are you sure about that? Do you have something against drinking, or are you simply not in the mood for it tonight?" He set his glass down and looked at you intently, his demeanor becoming more serious. "Or perhaps there's something else that piques your interest?"

"Oh, no, I just never acquired a taste for alcohol," you replied, laughing your head. He nodded in understanding, his tone now genuinely curious.

"I understand your point, but are you certain you wouldn't enjoy alcohol? Each variety, such as beer and ale, has its distinct flavor. Or is abstaining from alcohol simply a part of your personality?" he playfully questioned you. He found your aversion to alcohol endearing and couldn't resist teasing you about it. "Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I think you could find something you like if you tried."

Eren chuckled and smiled warmly, enjoying their conversation. "I don't drink alcohol myself, my lord, but I respect those who do. May I ask why you enjoy it?" You replied, your tone curious and polite.

"Well, I'm quite fond of wine. After a long day, I indulge too much, but it's never been a problem. I think having a glass or two on special occasions is beneficial. It helps people unwind and maybe even become a little more adventurous than they would be sober," he teased with a mischievous grin and a glint in his eye.

"I suppose you have a valid point, but the unpleasant taste of the drink still fails to entice me," you stated, releasing a brief chuckle and massaging the back of your neck. Eren reciprocated with a light-hearted laugh in reaction to your statement.

"I respect your decision not to drink and am not here to push you into it. However, I want to know what you have in mind tonight. Simply walking or chatting may not be enough to fill up our time. I notice that you have declined to drink, which indicates that you have set some boundaries for yourself. Therefore, I am open to hearing your suggestions on how we can spend our time together. I aim to ensure we both have an enjoyable and fulfilling evening." Eren raised an eyebrow and gave you a warm smile, indicating he had some ideas. Unfortunately, you failed to understand his ulterior motives from the beginning.

"Perhaps an alternative activity, if not a leisurely stroll or engaging conversation, what would be more beneficial?" you suggested, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the insinuations behind his inquiry. His lips curved upwards, and his pupils dilated, emitting a crimson glow.

Eren sighed, slightly off-put by your dismissal to read between the lines, and said, "Well, we are alone. We've got no one else to bother us, so how about we spend our time with each other in an intimate manner? I promise you will leave tonight more satisfied than anything you've ever experienced. All it will cost you is to trust me." Eren dared to make an inappropriate and disrespectful suggestion, presumably to satisfy his desires for you. Your immediate reaction was to take a step back, as his behavior was inappropriate and unwelcome. You are unwilling to entertain such behavior from anyone, let alone the prince.

"Intimate?... my lord, do you take me as a whore?!" You spoke in vain as you clenched your fists and backed away from him. The tears welling in your eyes made his smile fade away... his voice went cold, and his eyes became cold with fury. A vein appeared on his head that was not there before.

"How dare you? You are a maid! A commoner! One who would be better off dead than live without my favor! I could have you executed! Yet I wish to try and be kind to you and give you a decent life... and this response I get?! After I offered to grant you a little happiness!" He snarled in a cold and angry tone. You were speechless. Of course, he was just like the rest of them.

"I shall take my leave now. But, unfortunately, it appears that your sole interest lies in seeking intimacy with me rather than ensuring my safety," You declared with disdain, your gaze icy and unwavering. Eren's contempt for the common folk ran deep; they were mere instruments or servants in his eyes. Although he knew his disdainful behavior was unjustifiable, his sense of superiority rooted in his lineage overshadowed his regard for others and their sentiments.

"I must say, if you refuse to comply with my regulations, you are no better than the common people," stated Eren resolutely. Despite your urge to retort, you, without a word, left the room. Eren observed you leave, a heavy feeling settling within him. He let out a long, frustrated breath, acknowledging that his anger had gotten the best of him.

Several minutes passed in complete silence, and Eren's remorse began to consume him. Finally, he realized he had gone too far and needed to make amends. He stood up from his seat with a heavy heart and searched for you. It was crucial that he apologize and make things right. Eren scoured the corridors, but they were unsettlingly quiet - too quiet. It was as if you had vanished into thin air.



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