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The subsequent seven days were marked by a monotonous and lackluster atmosphere within the confines of the castle of Eldia. You dedicated most of your time to your art, secluding yourself in your personal space with an easel and a set of brushes, allowing your creativity to flow onto the canvas. You were weary and filled with misfortune of the days that followed as Tobias's date to death neared. Despite making several attempts, you found it difficult to speak to Tobias privately and clarify his intentions. As you contemplated whether to let the matter go, your inner voice urged you to persist in uncovering the truth. However, Eren made sure that this day would be an impressive event. It was the day Tobias would face the consequences of his actions. The execution began in the afternoon so everyone could watch justice be served. This was the day the entire city would never forget. It would end all days. He was going to make sure of that. The time would finally come when Tobias would suffer, and it would be a sight to be seen for all.

"Are you ready?" Eren spoke coldly, yet his eyes softened as he looked at you.

"I am." You simply stated and looked toward the cellar doors of the dungeon. He nodded with a smile.

"Good." Eren waved his hands, and out came a disheveled Tobias. He was badly beaten, and some of you felt slightly bad. Only slightly. Serves him right. You followed Eren to the balcony and watched as a sinister expression spread across his face. Clearly, this grand event would be a spectacle for all to witness. The guards stood in formation as the crowd erupted with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the outcome of the general's fate. "Venus, this is what justice looks like." He simply stated and looked at his people. "THIS IS WHAT JUSTICE LOOKS LIKE!" As Eren lifted his hands, he shouted to the crowd, who immediately fell silent. His intention was to make an example out of Tobias and ensure that the consequences of wronging his realm were well-known. "Tobias! Are you ready to face your punishment!?" You watched as Tobias was being walked to the executioner in front of the crowd; he looked up to Eren, then stared directly to the side of Eren where you stood. Fear laced his eyes.

Eren looked down at Tobias with a cold and sinister expression on his face; his eyes were filled with hate and desire for justice so powerful it was like the very fires of hell had manifested into his eyes... his blood boiled at the sight of the scum that was Tobias.

"Do you have anything to say?" Eren shouted.

"I want... to repent for my sins! Venus! Venus I am sorry for the pain I had caused."

"Silence!" Eren said with a cold and stern tone; he was disgusted at the words that came from the demon's mouth. These weren't words of honesty and sincerity but of deceit. He wouldn't let that monster try and deceive anyone. His eyes grew darker; clearly, he would have no mercy as he spoke. "You are not sorry... you are sorry you were caught!"

"Venus! Your father is alive. You must listen to me." Tobias shouted as he looked up at you. The crowd watched silently. You stood there in shock and backed away from the balcony. "VENUS, YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME."

"Silence, bastard!" Eren said with contempt and hatred in his voice; he hated the very sound of the demon's voice... he hated it with a burning passion; his hatred for the demon was so deep there was no limit to it. "I swear if I have to hear any more words from that lying bastard of a man, I will throw him to the wolves myself!" Eren shouted in a blind rage.

"What does he mean by my father is alive.. my lord." You looked to Eren with sadness in your eyes. "Is this what he meant by truths I must uncover?!"

"Don't be fooled! The demon is lying to you! There is no truth to his words!" He said strongly as he grabbed your arm and turned around to look at you, he could see the doubt in your eyes as you spoke, but he wouldn't let you be deceived. "Tobias is a liar! A bastard! A devil! Do not let his words fool you Venus!" He said urgently.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍; 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍Where stories live. Discover now