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Eren grabbed his satchel and left the library. He was walking down the hall passing by the kitchen when a servant approached him with a warm smile. "Ah... How is Marco? Has the king called for me I presume? Let me guess, was it to test me on my education in political matters?" Eren smirked as Marco hesitated slightly and nodded.

"He wants to speak to you in general, your highness."

"He does, does he?" Eren rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked over to the kitchen to find the maids of the castle giggling about as they cooked for the day. It made Eren smile until he saw your face as you walked past the door, in his eyes gods... you were perfect. More than perfection in itself. The embodiment of it all. He watched as you knelt to pick up a rag and went about your chores. A part of him wanted more than anything to walk into the kitchen and stick by your side. To enjoy a day in leisure, but no. He turned back towards Marco and nodded as he readjusted his satchel. "I assume he is in his study?"

"He is, your highness."

"Very well. I shall see him in due time." Marco nodded and went back to his duties, Eren watched and the second he seemed out of sight he cussed under his breath and sighed out. "I need a damn bath to rid me of this filth." He soon walked towards his father's studies, another day it was to Eren. As he briskly walked down the hall, the paintings of former kings rid the walls and even his mother, but he dared not look at such a thing. He looked upon the chamber doors of his father's study and knocked with grace. The sound of his father's stern 'enter' was heard as Eren opened the doors and looked to see his father knelt over some books.

"You have called on me father?"

"I have. Sit boy." He gestured to the chair beside him as Eren sat down. "You understand why you are here?"

"I do not, my apologies father. I assumed you wanted to assess me on my progress in political studies you had arranged for me." His father scoffed laughed and shook his head.

"I suppose that as well, what I really called upon you for is some civil matter, I am sure you brother has already informed you."

"Oh... the small uprising due to the death of your... your general."

"Yes. Now I must ask you again." Eren sighed.

"If I may interrupt, He deserved the death he gained. In the end he partook in treason. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less then that. You said it yourself father. Treason results with their head." His father simply smiled.

"I did say that, didn't I?" He laughed a bit and continued writing with his quill pen. As this conversation took place, the eldest brother Zeke found himself moseying down the halls humming as the conversation behind closed doors peaked his interest. He sat by the door and listened in as guards and maids passed down the halls and cooridors of the castle. "Perhaps I am much too harsh on you my son, I should be harsher Zeke's insufferable ass. He is the eldest yet acts like a fool." Zeke grimaced at such words being spoken about him. Eren looked to his father and sighed.

"I can not agree with such a statement father. He has dealt with his own internal evils as you and I has he not? I say give him a break. We are still young father."

"I am not getting any younger Eren. You must realize that. I will one day fall ill and die, just like your mother, may god have mercy on her soul. I need a succesor. Zeke is next in line to the throne, but he has not shown me anything to portray a good honest king! Why do you think I am so stern with you boy? You have the capabilities of a king. That you must understand."

"But father..."

"Not another word. As for your future wife. Look about the noblewomen. Find one you like. Maybe even have a mistress or two that suit your fancy. You will be king boy, there is no discussion." The realization dawned on both Eren and Zeke. Eren stood pale faced and filled with worry. Zeke was filled with anger and self-pity as he slowly stood from where he sat and walked away from the doors of his father's study. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes father." Eren held his head low as it all sunk in. A noblewoman? Venus was no noblewoman. You were a commoner, how could he possibly get his father's blessing. It was frowned upon, and even so, how could he bring up his findings about Titans within the library. Would his father mock him? Laugh? Eren did not want to find out, so he kept it to himself and simply nodded to the king.

"One more thing Eren."

"Yes father?"

"Stop speaking to lesser folk. You are starting to make the royal family look wretched."



𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍; 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍Where stories live. Discover now