Chapter 2:Cuddling♡

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"H-Hannie..can we, cuddle..? I-I feel safe around you.." Chan said with a cute face
Jisung's pov:

"Oh- um, sure Chan!" I replied with a smile

"Thank you Hannie<3" Chan replied while giggling


Oh. My. Fucking. God. THAT WAS SO FREAKING CUTE!! I feel like i'm talking to a real life angel damn it- I blushed and zoned out but Chan's hug brought me back to life lol.

"Hannie are you there? I called your name 20 times already but you didn't answer to any of it..does the nickname make you mad..?" Chan said scared to hurt my feelings

Oh shit..he felt guilty now, i immediately say that i'm just zoning out but i didn't tell him the reason why..i also tell him that the nickname is cute and it didn't make me feel upset at all, seems like it works.

Chan hold my hand on our way to the bedroom and holy shit i was blushing like crazy- After a while, we're finally arrived into my bedroom. We both straight up went to bed and start cuddling, just than..Chan ask me something

"Hannie, why did you rescue me from my abusive owners? What was the reason?"


I froze when he ask me that, honestly..i didn't even knew why? Is it because i feel sympathy over him? Or is it actually because i love him..? But than, these words came out from my mouth..

"Because, you're cute. You didn't deserve any of that abuse. Everyone doesn't deserve it, Alpha's and Beta's were supposed to protect Omega's. I'm just doing what i was supposed to do..besides, you were pretty cute so i decided to take you home with me and take care of you since your last owners didn't~" I replied to his question

Chan was SHOCKED, even i can't believe the things i just said to him..i was embarrased but i told him

"W-Wait!! The things i've said about's true but i don't mean it!" I said nervously while i sit up on the bed

Chan just giggled due to my behaviour, oh gosh..i swear to god his giggles is Cute as Fuck.

"Well Hannie, let's get to sleep. I'm really tired.." Chan whined

"Oh yea, let's go to sleep. I'm tired too, goodnight Channie~" I said while smiling

"Goodnight Hannie.." Chan replied with a sleepy voice

On the morning-

Chan's pov:

I woke up feeling really sick, my head is hurting like shit..ugh, i hate it when this happens..i tried to go to sleep again but i can' i feel like i wanna puke-

And with that, i ran to the bathroom and throw up on the toilet. I guess i'm too loud..Jisung are awake now, fuck.. what if he's mad..?

I quickly lock the bathroom door before Jisung could come in, after a few minutes Jisung knocked on the bathroom door while i'm still puking..

"Channie..? Are you okay? You've been in the toilet for about 15 minutes now..i also hear puking sounds? Can i come in?" Jisung said softly

"N-No..sorry for b-bothering you sleeping..and y-yes i'm oka-"

Before i could finish my sentence, i throw up again and that's when Jisung said

"You know what, i'm coming in! I need to see what's wrong with you!!" He said loudly

And with that, he search for the bathroom key and unlock the door. His voice really make me scared..he sound so annoyed.. and i can't help but remember how my old owner treated me when i interrupt his sleep..

After a few seconds, Jisung came barged in and saw me sitting on the floor. With tears in my eyes, my skin looked more pale than before and me shaking because of Jisung's voice when he shout.

"Chan..w-what's happening to you? A-Are you sick..? Why are you crying and shaking? I'm here okay..breathe in and breathe out.." He said trying not to panicked

"I-I'm sorry..." I replied while tears falling down

"For what Chan?.."

"I-I know you're mad because i interrupt your sleep..i'm so sorry! P-Please don't do it.."


Jisung looked at me with a concerned face, he than slowly rub my hands and tell me something

"No Chan..why would i be mad just because of that reason? It's so stupid okay?.. i will never be mad at you especially because of dumb reasons. Let me guess, your last owner do get upset?.."

I slowly nodded and he pulled me in for a hug, he than ask me softly

"Chan..what did he do to you other than abusing you..?"


To be continue baby🥰👏


&quot;My lovely Omega&quot; //a BangHan story🌸Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum