Part 2 - I Never Liked Snyder's

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Next thing you know, you have a splitting headache and all you can hear is buzzing.
When you regain your senses, you notice your face is lying against a cold, wet ground.
You peel your eyes open, and sit up slowly.
You're not in the building you were in before...
Instead, your eyes are overwhelmed with yellow.
The walls are a dull yellow with strange designs, the ceiling is yellow; the floor is carpeted, and you know it would be yellow if it weren't for the strange liquid it was flooded with.
You know it isn't water, because it has a smell to it.
You rub your head, and mutter, "Where the hell am I?"
You manage to find your footing, and eventually start walking.
Slowly but surely you explore the strange area.
You call out Quinn's name as you walk, but to no avail.
Where the hell is he?
Maybe you're just dreaming. You hit your head hard when you fell, and now you're in a coma or something.
But why the fuck would you dream of this?
You hear a strange noise resembling chittering, and you gasp, looking around.
You hold your arms as you feel goosebumps crawl up your skin.
"Shit, shit, shit..." You hiss through your teeth.
You walk through the rooms, through doors, and up and down stairs, but you can't find anything.
Wherever you are, it's huge.
You feel your stomach growl, and realize you haven't ate in a long time.
How long have you been walking around here?
You sigh, and rub your face as you start to feel as if the room appears more... saturated?
You need to rest.
You decide to lean against the wall.
You did this reluctantly, of course; you thought you saw bugs crawling in the wallpaper earlier.
As you lean back, you don't feel yourself hit solid material. Instead, you feel yourself falling.
Falling, and falling more.
You're falling through the air again.
You scream, absolutely terrified of where you'll end up next.
Then, you black out.

You open your eyes with a groan.
"I have got to stop passing out." You raise up into a sitting position.
You're in some sort of warehouse building, the ceiling and floor is concrete, and pipes line the also concrete walls around you.
There is a fog of some sort in the place, but it isn't thick enough to not be able to see through.
There is condensation on the floor, though.
"Water!" You speak up breathlessly.
You cup your hand, and scoop up some of the water, slurping it down.
You sigh, and shudder at the thought of what germs could be in there.
However, you get over your fear, and decide to walk through the strange building.
On your way, you find crates spread about here and there.
You didn't open them at first, but your curiosity got the better of you eventually.
You manage to pry open a crate with your hands, and inside you find...
A shit ton of buttermilk ranch pretzel pieces?
You've never tried Snyder's, but it's nice to see something you're familiar with.
You decide to keep a bag, and continue.
From then on, you opened any crates you could find.
Some of them had good things, some didn't.
You found almond water in one, then next thing you knew, you'd find a box of mice.
You approach another crate, and pry it open, hoping you find some good stuff instead of hair or something.
When you open the crate, you blink in disappointment.
"Are these... Are these fucking car parts?"
You sigh. What good would these do you?
Suddenly, you hear foot steps.
You freeze, feeling your blood run cold.
You hold your breath as the footsteps creep closer and closer.
In a state of somewhat panic, you grab a random car part from the crate, and hold it in a defensive position.
Shit, shit, shit...! What the hell are you thinking? What are you going to do if a monster rounds the corner? Beat it up with a muffler? Run, damn it!
But it's too late.
The footsteps have already made it way too close to you for you to even think about turning your back.
You grasp the car part in your hand, and swallow hard as you stare at the corner with an intense gaze, determined to fuck shit up; your heart is pounding so hard against your chest that you can hear it.
However, instead of a horrible creature rounding the corner, it's a man.
Well... sort of.
It seems to have a security camera for a head, but a male human's body.
It's also wearing a suit and tie...
Huh, weird.
Well, you better get to it before it can get to you!
Nope, you can't move.
No matter how much you want to, all you can do is just... stare at it.
It is staring at you, too.
You're both having a staring contest.
It lifts a finger, pointing at the car part in your hand.
"Is that a camshaft?"
It has the voice of a man, except it sounds like the voice is coming through speakers.
You blink a few times, surprised it can even talk.
You flick your eyes from the car part in your hand, to the creature.
"...I don't know." You respond, your attempt to sound brave impaired by your fear.
It hums, putting its hand down.
"...Aren't you... going to attack me?" You ask it questionably.
Maybe it's just toying with you.
"Are you going to attack me?"
You measure it for a moment, then slowly lower the car part.
"No...," you shake your head, "No, I don't think so."
"Perfect! My name is Aiden. I can tell you've only recently fallen down, right?" It suddenly erupts with a strangely confident voice.
Almost like it's trying to sell you something?
"Wh-What?" You breathe.
"I knew it. Well, I'm here to guide you through this place. I'll get you through safely."
What the hell is happening?
"How do I know you're not tricking me?" You point the car part at it.
"Very good question! This place can be dangerous, it's only right for you to be suspicious. Here," It grabs a bottle from its suit jacket (somehow?), and offers it to you, "Almond Water."
You step forward hesitantly, keeping your eye on it, and snatch the bottle from its hand.
You unscrew the lid and give it an unsure sniff before you take a swig.
And it is absolutely delicious, especially since you're so dehydrated.
You stop drinking, and wipe your mouth as you look at the... thing.
It's looking back at you, almost hopefully.
You would think it was cute, if you weren't super scared.
You sigh.
It's not like you have much to lose. You're in a weird place, and you can't find your way out.
"Alright... 'Aiden,' you said you could show me through?"
"Yes. I know about every level."
"Well... Almost every level."
You decide on the fact that it's mental, and just let it live with its fantasy.
"Okay, can you get me home?"
"Yes, I can. But it might take a while." It finally replies.
You sigh in relief, "Thank goodness! How long is 'a while?'"
"Well, I assume you're from the Frontrooms, so time works differently here. It's faster. So in your time," it takes a moment to ponder, "probably a few decades?"
Your blood freezes, again.
How did it just say it so casually? Doesn't it understand that your friends and family will most likely all be either dead or too old to remember you?
It notices the look of shock on your face, "Oh, but don't worry! You won't age the same as you would up there!"
"What... What the hell are you talking about!? I'm not worried about that! I have friends, a-and I have a family! They'll all be dead! What's the point of even going back!?" You scream at it.
"Well, you could always make new friends! I'm sorry for the loss of your family."
What is its problem!?
"...Oh my God. Oh my God, I have to be in a coma.."
It notices your panic, "Ah, I'm sorry! Uh.. Well, maybe... I-I'd say if we hurried, we could get out faster?"
You roll your eyes.
Shit, what choice do you have? This thing seems sentient enough, and it'd be nice to have potential protection. You could sacrifice it if anything came at you.
You also don't want to go through these places alone.
"Fine, fine, I'm sorry for yelling at you. Can we just... go?" You massage your temples.
"Of course! Follow me." It begins walking, and you follow behind.

I used a random generator to get the snack you found, and you got blessed with pretzel pieces.

My Safe Haven [Aiden x Reader] (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now