After darkness comes light - For him

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After darkness comes light

People usually say, that after darkness comes light, and after the rain comes sunshine. But I believe, that light and darkness, are able to coexist side by side, beneath a sky specked full of stars and in the warmth of a thousand tiny butterflies.

And rather than believing, I'd like to say - that I know this, as it is what I experienced once upon a time, and a few seasons ago. 

At a time, where darkness seemed, to had taken the upperhand. And at a time, where even the brightest light could never truly comfort no man. 

There I was, standing in the blue shadows cast by my phone. With few expectations, and a thousand thoughts on my mind. What could happen, and where would this go? Beacause with the whole world against me, I could only hope to grow. 

Pacing back, and pacing forth. Only met by empty hearts, lifeless people and plenty tough luck. I could only snuggle up, in the comfort of my own presence and the bit of warmth provided by my dark winther coat. It might have been an ordinary night, with work and whatsoever that life had brought. And perhaps, had we chosen a summer night, in which the circumstances had been better. Brighter? Who knows how the seasons might have passed, and which flowers we couldv'e grown.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or maybe it's all about the perspective and the way you percieve life. Because, there you were. In the midst of the cold, with a smile as bright as the stars, and a warmth that can not compare. 

I don't want to lie, and it might not have been quite perfect. And whether it was alcohol, or the mere fact that you were by my side. I can not say. But I could have sworn, that something was in the air and that everything I thought I knew, all of a sudden seemed so new. 

From the old city passages, that I had walked through my whole life. The buildings, the people, and even my breath seemed to appear in a different light. Exactly as if, the world was coated in shimmer and starlight, as we danced our way through the night. 

People usually say, that after darkness comes light, and after the rain comes sunshine. But had it not been dark, and had it not been in the night. Then how could you have shown me the light that you bring, and the warmth of your love? So for each day and for each night. For every bit of the darkness and every bit of light, I am thankful for your prescence, and the memories we've left behind. 

And if someone tries to tell me otherwise, I'll always tell them about you & I.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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