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Just some head-cannons I have bc why not.

1. Lou has separation anxiety so whenever you leave him for too long in a secluded area he gets super anxious and worried so he tries to go and find you. You caught onto this quickly so you never leave him for too long

2. He loves physical intimacy. Reason being is he will never get to hug or love a child so hugs and cuddles are the next best thing

3. Even though he won't admit it, he has a major sweet tooth and loves to get sweets after cleaning

4. He doesn't really know how to express feelings or decipher them that well so that leads to him sometimes getting frustrated when he doesn't know what he's feeling

5. After a while of cleaning and feeling bad for himself he actually wanted to get better so, he sometimes goes to the metal baby to try and practice calming and caring for kids, even though he won't ever get one

6. He is a mega flirt but once someone turns the tables he gets really flustered and starts messing up sentences and stuttering for a while until he calms down

7. Since Lou was in the three wash cycle's, some of his color has faded so he gets self-conscious sometimes about his colors.

Lou X reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now