Chocolate Bar

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  • Dedicated to Robert Downey Jr. okay?

I started feeling light headed, I put my hand on the wall to keep me up.  Pregnant? This couldn't be happening.  

"It will be fine, just know I'll be there."  Punk hugged me.  My mind went on overdrive, I started thinking up the most horrible things that could happen.  What if Phil isn't the father?  Haha, what am I kidding… What other guy have I had sex with?  

"Stop Alex!"  Punk said and looked me in the eyes, "I know you are thinking way to much, just relax.  Plus, how do you know for sure that you're pregnant?"  He made a good point there.  I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.  I looked around and saw my bag that had the alcohol in it.

"I'm so fucking stupid!"  I yelled.  Phil came and sat next to me.

"Why?"  He questioned.

"All this time I have been drinking and doing drugs, an- and I could have affected the baby that I may or may not have…"  I was sweating,and my hands were shaking.  "That's it!  I quit.  No alcohol is ever going to touch these lips again."  

Punk smiled and kissed my cheek, then my lips.  I pulled away.  "So honey…"  I started.  "Do you think you can go get me a pregnancy test?"  I giggled.  He looked at me in shock.

"Why can't you go get it?"  He asked.  I looked out the window into the blizzard.

"What if I go and then get hit by a snow plow?"  I laughed at my unlikely situation.  Punk shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but you owe me."   

Punk's POV

Alex's green pleading eyes made me give into her.  I slipped on some jeans and threw on my heavy coat.  

"Hurry up before it get's worse!"  Alex yelled. 

"I'm coming…"  I sighed.  It's not that I didn't want to go out into the blizzard, I didn't want to be seen buying a pregnancy test… how weird would that look.   Especially if paparazzi caught me holding it or something, then they would start asking questions like, 'Who is the girl you got pregnant?'  Or 'Are you and Alex having a baby?'  

Alex kissed me goodbye as I walked out into the cold weather.   I decided to walk to the liquor store instead of driving my truck and having it getting stuck in snow.  I entered the store and the clerk looked at me with wide eyes.  The store was empty, except for this homeless man looking at the slurpee's.

I looked around for the tests and finally found them.  Oh god, which brand do I get?  What if I get the wrong kind?  I panicked and called Alex.

"Hello?"  She answered.

"Um, yeah hi babe, I was just wondering… What kind do I get?"  I was whispering into the phone.

"Just get the most expensive one, it will probably work better."

"Okay, got it.  I love you."  

"Love you too, be safe."  

I got the most pricey pregnancy test and a chocolate bar for Alex, if it is good news or bad news.  The clerk was still eyeing me funny as I made my way to pay.

"Will this be all?"  He asked.

"Yeah."  I mumbled as I tried to keep my head low.  The store clerk grabbed the candy bar and scanned it and then scanned the test.  My masculinity was taken away from me for a second or two.

"Congratulations,  I bet you must be so happy."  He handed me the black bag with my things in it, and I payed in cash.

"Yeah… thanks."  I grabbed my bag and walked out of there as fast as I could.

I tried running to the house, but the snow was making it pretty hard to run.  From the corner of my eye I could see a black van driving slowly next to me, so that made me run even faster.  I finally made it to my house, but noticed the van.  I stopped and looked at it to see if I could spot anybody in it, but it just drove away.  

I opened the door and Alex ran up to me.  

"Give it to me!  I just drank a whole bottle of water!"  She grabbed the bag from me, took out the test and ran to the bathroom.  I guess all I can do is wait now, I took off the coat and got the chocolate bar out of the black bag.  I paced back and forth until Alex opened the door.  She had a frown on her face, but then it immediately turned into a smile.

"I'm not pregnant bitches!"  She yelled.  I laughed.  She ran over to me and hugged me.  I picked her off the ground and spun her around.  She planted kisses all over my face and I set her down to give her my present.

"Congratulations on not being pregnant, love."  I gave her the chocolate bar.

"Oh Phillip, you shouldn't have!"  She joked. 

"You know what?"  I asked.

"What?"  She said as she opened her candy bar.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, almost as much as chocolate."   I laughed and kissed my beautiful girlfriend.

Hey errbody!   I will make it more interesting n stuff.   DAMN I FEEL LIKE A CHOCOLATE BAR NOW.  

COmment/vote ! <3

xo Alex

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