Why Don't You Stay

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 "Alex? what are you doing?!"  I was getting all wet from the shower.

"I just wanted to come, so I drove here…"  I was trying to look at his face… his face!

"Drove here on what?"

"The motorcycle…"  

"Baby, that's not safe."  He hugged he and it was the awkwardest hug ever.  I pulled back and kissed his lips, then his neck, and his chest.  He took his hand and lifted my chin up so I could look into his eyes.

"And I missed you."  I said.  Phil kissed me, it was a passionate kiss that I yearned for, for two days.

"I missed you too."  He said and I smiled.

"Oh, and who is Karina?"


Punk walked out of the showers and wrapped a towel around his waist. 

"She's a new diva that Vince hired…"  He walked over to his gym bag and started pulling clothes out. 

"So he already got a new replacement for me?"  I put my hand on my hip.

"Well, we needed another strong diva character."  He put on a plain black t-shirt.

I sighed, am I ever going to get my job back?  I mean I'm clean, I have no alcohol, or anything in my system!

"Well, can I at least meet her?"  I asked.  Phil put on his boxers, then some blue jeans.  He hung the towel up and laced his belt through the hoops.

"Sure, Karina and I were gonna grab some dinner before we head back to the hotel.  But after you meet her Alex, you should get back on home to Chicago."  He said.

I had a wave of jealousy sweep over me.  First Phil is telling me he is going out with this new chick, then he is basically telling me to hit the road and go home. 

"I think I wanna go back to San Diego."  I frowned.  I've been feeling home sick latley and really want to talk to my sister about this.  I don't have a person who I could talk about my boy problems around, and I'm sure my sister has a lot of boy talk she wants to tell me also.

"Okay, then get a ticket and go back.  It'll be good for you, to see your family again."  He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.  "Come on, lets go meet Karina."  Phil put his hand on the small of my back and led me out of the locker room.  We walked around the corner to walk into the parking lot and I  saw a woman waiting next to Phil's car.

"Karina!"  Phil said.  She turned around, and I had to say she was pretty. 

"Oh hey Phil!"  They hugged… "I've been waiting, and oh my god."  She paused and had a huge smile on her face.  "You're Alex Woods!"  She hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, I am and you're the new diva, congratulations."  I tried to sound happy for her, I did.

"It's so awesome I got to meet you, I'm a big fan."  Karina blabbed. Well you do know you took my job…  I thought.

"We should go now Karina."  Phil spoke up, Karina nodded her head and got into the car.

"I'll call you soon."  Phil said as he was walking to the drivers side.

"Okay."  He smiled and got into the car.  I watched them drive away.

"I love you…"  I mumbled.

***In San Diego*** 

"He calls you everyday, chill out."  My sister, Priscilla said.  

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