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Third POV

"This sucks" A brown haired boy looked at the letter in his hands, he was known as Matsukaze Tenma.

A red haired boy looked at the letter that his brown haired friend had. "What do you got there Ten-chan?" The redhead asked who is known as Akabane Karma.

The brown haired boy sighed. "It's a letter from the principal" Tenma scowled.

"Oh- Damn, what did you do?" Karma lean his chin at the top of Tenma's head, since Tenma was sitting on the couch.

Tenma shrugged. "I didn't do anything to be exact, I was just playing soccer and then I saw some High Schoolers trying to harass a little girl so I protected her and they got beat up pretty bad, apparently, this incident was heard by the teachers and this is the result." Tenma waved the paper lazily.

"Let me guess... Suspension?" Tenma groaned. "Yeah..." Karma got off Tenma's head and stood in front of him, as he then stretched Tenma's cheeks.

"Now, that won't do. But don't be sad Ten-chan, that expression won't suit you, just smile~" Karma stated.

"Kawma Stawp~" He said as his cheeks was starting to get sore.

"Nope!~ Not until Ten-chan will smile~"

"Fiwneee~" Tenma sighed in relief after Karma let his cheeks go, and smiled.

"Now that's more like it!~" Karma exclaimed, as Tenma giggled. "Thanks"

"No problem~" Tenma closed eye smile. "By the way..." Karma started, as he sat beside Tenma and lay his head on his lap.

"Hmm?" Tenma hum, as he played on Karma's red hair. "Does your parents still oppose of you being a girl?" The question made Tenma stop for a second.

"Yeah... That's why I'm still in my boy disguise." He replied as he goes back to play with Karma's hair, in response, Karma only hummed.

As he then slowly got lulled to sleep on Tenma's lap.


Trivia for the day:
✎ Tenma was supposed to be a girl, that's why Karma called Tenma Ten-chan.
✎ Even though Tenma is a girl I will choose to put "him" instead of "her" since only Karma knows that Tenma is a girl for the time being.
✎ Despite Tenma being a girl, Tenma's parents oppose it, so they made Tenma dress like a boy.
✎ In this part, Tenma still hadn't meet Raimon, the first class that Tenma will meet is the E class.
✎ Karma is in the E class in this part, but his going to be in with a surprise in a latter chapter.

Welp, that's the end of the trivia for this chapter, bah-bye! See you in a next chapter!

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