Chapter 1

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Today was the day, I get to select my skills and go on my journey, leave home till I'm an elder, no longer able to adventure. I crawl out of bed, still tired, and head down to the ceremony. It was beautiful, lanterns of all colors strung over the camp, the moonlight only enhancing them. I saw them preparing earlier that day, though it didn't look nearly as nice.
I remember being told Firran history, how we were nomads, traveling the plains of Auroria. Look at us now, the Harani enslaved us and drowned us in their culture. I hope to one day see us return to our former glory in the plains..
I was snapped out of my thought by someone calling me for the ceremony, "Hakumei!" It was the elder. Time to choose my skill that I'll be taught.
I stepped forward, tail swaying against the ground. My ears twitched and I glanced at the different ceremonial items.
A shield, a book, a cross, a dagger, an arrow, and a skull. I brushed my hair back and hovered my hand over the shield, then moved it to the dagger, picking it up and looking at the elder.
She looked at me with her grey orbs, then turned to the crowd, "Shadowplay!" She declared. They clapped, I went to stand with the trainer, and the ceremony continued.


They had taken me to the Snowlion ranch, and let me look around. All the Cubs were playing, the adults watching over. I noticed a small Coalmane alone, digging in the sand.
I looked back at the trainer, he nodded approval and I wondered over. The cub was slightly startled, but warmed up quickly as he climbed into my lap. His eyes were dark blue, fur black and spotted with red. "Arashi," I uttered. We had bonded, this is the Snowlion I would raise.
Everyone else has chosen their cub, and went to get vita root to feed it. I had been told that the root was weaved with ancient magic that made the cub grow faster. I picked one of the roots and let Arashi sniff it, then take it from my hand.I got a bucket of water for him to drink, then it was time to sleep.


The next morning we returned at dawn to the ranch, our Snowlions had grown to adults overnight.
"Ok," the trainer called, "We're going to head for Ynystere. There are more Shadowplay mentors there. Head for the Airships!"
We rode our Snowlions to the airships, boarding the one that heads for Mahadevi. "We'll sail from the shore there and end up in Caenord."
It was a boring ride, though it didn't take long. I knew Mahadevi was a large city, full of both races, the Firran and the Harani. Caenord however, was a popular trade run spot for the enemy continent, to get their gold and Gilda, then leave with their life.
I also knew that the Shadowplay were rouges, their skills made for theft and stealth, that's why I chose it. Though I may eventually make a guild with friends.
The airship stuttered as it lowered, we have arrived in Mahadevi, the City of Towers. We unloaded, riding our Snowlions, and raced to the shore. "Last one there is Seabug bait!" I called as I signaled Arashi to go faster. I had left everyone in the dust, and darting to the cliff face. Arashi skidded to a stop, though a good 3 feet away from the edge. The rest of the group caught up, instructing us to go down the path slowly.
The Snowlions strode easily over the rocky shore, ignoring the foot tall crabs that threatened. The water crashed over the rocks, drawing them away and pushing them back. Three clippers were anchored to the shore, bobbing in the water as the waves rolled under.
I boarded one of the ships, some joined me, others went to the other clippers. The anchors were lifted, and we set sail to Ynystere. "Now, we're going to be near the shore, but there could still be pirates, so be careful." We each already had a dagger but it wouldn't do much against better gear that pirates would have.
There were a few Harani, they looked like Battlerage with their swords, shields, and plate armor. I guessed that they were only here to protect us.
A couple of the girls started to flirt with them while we sailed, I ignored it. The view was so much nicer, the natural landscape was showing brightly past through the light fog on the water.
Soon we passed Lutesong Harbor, it was a nice area. I saw a ship pulling into the docks. "Must be on a trade run" I thought.


We arrived in Caenord soon after, mounting our Snowlions and exploring the area. The city was full of life, merchants selling their products, adventurers like me sharpening their blades. Caenord was beautiful.
"You'll be split into groups and sent to different parts of Ynystere. Here are the groups." He signaled to a piece of paper, our names listed on them.
I worked my way through the novices to the lists, finding out that I was in his. "My group," he called, "We're going to be training at Village of Nui's Way. Let's go."
His group followed closely. There was a Harani within the group, who had a Leomorph. Weird creatures, half robot if I remember. Though the Harani are weird in general, with all their machines.
The trainer turned us instead to the Domain Floodplain. Nice flat area, it seems good for training. We had left our Snowlions back with the stable hand in the village, and went to train.

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