Chapter 12

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We got back to Veroe that afternoon, the glide back only making us more excited. I lead the way to a guild manager, getting the form that would register us as an official guild.

"Alright," I said, looking over the paper in my hands. "So we need to put the guilds name, the current members, and where our base is." I started writing down the information, trying to keep my lettering neat.

"I'm so happy, we're finally making a name for ourselves," Ruju practically squealed. Ichi nodded her head in agreement. I smiled, finishing the last part.

"Now we need to give it back to the manager, and in no time we'll be registered." I grinned widely, my fangs showing through.

After turning in the form, we went back to the house, needing to show Furaito and Kaze around. "Feza can stay out here with the others, and get herself settled in too." I told them, motioning for the twins to come inside. "This is the main living area, as well as the kitchen. The beds are upstairs." The house looked much better since I had shown it to Ruju what seemed like forever ago. We now had a couch and chairs in the living area, with counters and stools in the kitchen. Not to mention the beds upstairs.

The twins had large smiles on their faces, eyes lit up with joy. They glanced at each other for a couple seconds before taking off in what I assumed was a race upstairs. I looked at Ruju and Ichi, shrugging silently before going upstairs as well.

"You two are full of energy," I commented, reaching the top of the stairs and taking a seat on my bed. "Like the house?" I asked.

Kaze nodded, "It's great, better than where we were living before."

Furaito muttered agreement, "Anything is better than a shabby farmhouse, but this feels like a mansion."

"Shabby farmhouse?" I asked them, though I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.

Furaito silenced her brother before he could speak, "Yeah, we've been living in a run down farmhouse for a few years now, ever since our parents died. We focused our gold to go to food and gear, just so we could defend ourselves." She said, her ears falling flat and her head tipping down slightly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but now you don't have to worry about protecting yourselves, you got us to look out for you," I said, gesturing to the rest of the guild who were now sitting next to me or the twins. "You're part of our family now," I smiled.

Ruju nodded an agreement, "I've been on my own for awhile too, after I moved to Lutesong I lost contact with my family, who knows, maybe they're still in Tigerspine waiting for me." he shrugged.

I set my gaze on Ruju before talking, "Are you ever going to return to Tigerspine, see if they're still there?" 

He shrugged, returning my gaze, "Maybe in the future, but not anytime soon. I got the guild now, you're my family." a small smile formed at the corner of his lips. Ruju looked at Ichi, "Care to share your past?" He asked.

She looked at the ground, guilt clouding her eyes, "I- uh, not really," She stammered out. We all gave her a confused look, but didn't push her.

"In honor of becoming an official guild, we should go out to dinner, I'll pay." I looked around at the group that I'd be leading. They muttered agreement, and followed me downstairs.



We strode into Veroe, the sun had already set and the moon was shinning brightly. The air was calm, no breeze to disturb it, and the streets were empty. The city was dimly lit with paper lanterns, glowing with a tint of red. I lead the way into one of the few restaurants. An older Harani stood just inside, dressed in a suit. Once he saw us he spoke up, his voice having a slight Nuian accent. "Welcome, please follow me for your seats."

I nodded briefly, keeping my posture straight and tail swaying limply near my leg. We sat at a table covered with a white cloth. Ruju sat across from me, next to Kaze, while Ichi was between me and Furaito. The Harani handed us menus, hand written on paper scrolls. I looked it over, glancing at the prices before anything else, since I knew I'd be paying for everyone. They were fairly cheap compared to the look of the restaurant, though I wasn't complaining.

Settling on a simple fish platter, we all ordered and attempted small talk while waiting. "How long do you think it'll take for the form to go through?" Kaze asked.

"Depends on how many people are trying to make a guild. Though it shouldn't take more than a week." I responded, looking around at the other tables. All of them were empty, except one in the far corner that seated two Firran elders, most likely a couple.

"Hopefully it'll be done by tomorrow, then we can work on getting the name out there." Ruju said, his elbows were resting on the table and his hands held up his head. We all nodded with agreement. "We need to raid a Nuian town, that'll get our name out there." His voice had a hint of a growl, though I ignored it.

"No, if we go straight to Nuia we're going to get our asses killed. I know of several feared monsters in Haranya that we could slay instead." My glare locked with Ruju's, I could practically see steam coming out of his nose as he exhaled loudly. "I raided them when I was fresh out of training, and yes I did walk out alive, but I was scared out of my mind." I breathed in deeply, sighing to myself as I glanced up, "Here comes our food."

The Harani carried two trays of food, setting five different plates down in front of each of us. We dug in, eating all of the food within 10 minutes. All the meals only cost me three gold, and once I paid we headed back to the house.

I walked upstairs and flopped into my bed, pulling the covers over my nose. Ruju sat on his bed, sighing to himself. "Sorry about earlier, I just.. Don't want anyone to die under my command." 

He smiled, accepting my apology, "It's all good, don't worry about it. Night, Hakumei"




Wow I finally uploaded :')

I tried to put some effort into this? And I have an idea of where I'm going with this, and Ichi's backstory (which will be told laterrrrr) heh..

I got something for a future chapter scribbled in a notebook that I'll be leading up to or somehing..

Yeah plot.. writing... I got this

Ok well thanks for reading, I'm gunna try to upload at least one more chapter before school starts


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