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The very last one I read is...someone I don't know but is acting like I do.I double click on the profile and make an investiga tion on my side,I try finding where they live,what th do on this app,make sure their username is their real name and look for any flaws in the profile,after that I open a private chat with them

'Why did you comment on my art and most of all why were you acting like I know you.'

'Because I need you to see something and you will take your laptop I have gifted you,I can see you are shocked but all you have to do is meet me on 25th Merilm Street,got it?'

'Why should I trust you?'

'You shouldn't but if you don't you will slowly see what will happen'

'I don't have anything to lose'

'No but you have things to gain'


I wait for three hours,I eat,take an hour nap,shower,and change my clothes.

I walk through alleys,my feet sounding on the cobblestone paths and streets.I walk until I finally see the right street sign '25 Merilm Street'

I wait where I'm standing for almost exactly 10 minutes,trying to be optimistic.Someone pulls me into an alley nearby,It's sort of a dead end but there is something looking carved into the deadend's wall, it's too dark to see any of the details though,the buildings next to us aren't exactly buildings just two peices of brick to look good in the city.

"Glad you decided to see your future",he says smirking.

"Would you say I should turn around",I raise an eyebrow and move one foot a step back.

"Don't be scared I don't even have any weapons or drugs on me.No I wanted you to be here because I am dieing exactly at 2 AM tommorow and I saw something,I saw you,and this...door",He points to the door with two fingers and he looks down obviously already knowing the door exsisted,"This is a door to..another reality and you will find many things you have been looking for,many things this..oh I can't tell you much",I look at the person's/male's face and he pushes me into the door.

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