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I wake up,eyes watery.I didn't fall too long because no injuries seemed at all but a scratch or a slight,small bruise.I look around the shining sun blinding me because the place I seem to be at is a very bright and light location.I don't knowa what to do.This place is obviously outside so that door didn't go into a building.I start breathing quickly,what do I do,the man said that I had things to gain' but I don't even know where I am.I try standing up but decide to crawl to a nearby wall to just sit and rest while I think.There is still cobblestone around me but I'm not in the city I was before.The place I'm sorry has cobblestone walls, pillars, and floor.The cobblestone is a dark grey unlike the dusty brownish light grey of the cobblestone I had seen before in the city.I close my eyes and look up just resting for a second.Someone speaks.

"Come With Me",the person says, I'm sure it's a male but something about their voice is powerful and crisp but clean.

I get up,not wanting to but really not wanting to make enemies this soon.

He's taller then me, probably by a foot.His hair is really dark but not black,nor brown,it's crispy and rich ,giving off a strong dinamic to his shoulders but a solemn look for his face, but incredibly silky.His shoulders are wide but not chad-like more of a powerful feel and a non-resting sort of aura.He just keeps walking not noticing me figuring out his shape of his aura.

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