Alive and Well (Rewritten)

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Abraham and Addy arrived at Tondc shortly after Lexa did. As Addy walked around to different stands and carts that villagers had set up she heard whispers of the Sky people coming for a funeral. A murders funeral.

Addy met back up with Abraham, "You were right, they are coming today, but people are saying for a funeral. A murderer's funeral."

"Yeah, I heard that too." He began to walk, and Addy followed.

"Do you know who it is?" He shook his head. There were people carrying wrapped up bodies.

"Hey wait." She stopped the last two men. The murder goes on top of the stack. "Can I see his face?"

"I guess." the one growled. She nodded her head, walking towards the head of the body. She untied the rope, peeling back the sheet. A gasp escaped her lips. She ran her hand over the face of Finn Collins. A single tear strayed from her eye.

"Addy." Abraham grabbed her arm.

"No, it's okay. He killed innocent people. Jus drein jus daun." She covered his face again. She knew this meant some of her friends were alive.

"They're here!" A guard yelled at the gate. She stared at the gate.

"Do you want to go?" Abraham asked.

"No, Indra needs me inside. I got to go." She reached up and kissed his cheek. She walked towards the meeting building. Indra still had to do her hair, and they had to prepare some things for the funeral.

"Good, you're here." Indra mumbled.

"I get it. You don't have to like me, Indra, but I respect you. As your second, you should respect me too." She said sitting in front of the lady as she quickly plaited her hair.

"I do respect you, but if I were to show you kindness, I would be weak towards you." The words sat in Addy's mind. Indra never truly hated her, she just never wanted to get attached.

"Those are my people you know? I know you aren't the biggest fan of Skaikru, but could you not be so moody today." Addy winced. Indra insisted Addy had her hair plaited, but Addy thought it was just torture.

"I'll do my best." Indra quietly replied. When she finished the Kane girl's hair, she got up and walked out without saying a word. Addy silently followed.

Addy hid in the back, since she was the last one out there. "Clarke, will you do the honors?" She heard Lexa announce. Clarke's alive. Addy tried to see if she could see anyone else she knew, but it was no luck.

Clarke was handed the torch, and she spoke the words, "Yu gonplei ste odon." Your fight is over.

Addy sucked in a deep breath of air before heading back inside. Clarke saw the girl leave, and thought she looked familiar, but was pulled out of her thought by Lexa speaking.

"The Sky people will be in shortly." Indra spoke. Addy nodded her head. She was nervous. When Lexa finally arrived. Addy was talking to Abraham. The room fell silent. On one side of the table, was grounders. The other side was flooded by sky people.

Addy turned her head. The sight she saw had sadness filling her eyes and her mouth gaping open. Across the table, as her eyes followed stood Lincoln, Octavia, Raven, Bellamy, Clarke, Abby Griffin, and... Marcus Kane.

Bellamy stood there, his eyes locked on Addy. He studied the way she was dressed, and the braids in her hair. Addy slowly made her way around the table. When she reached the other side she stood in front of Bellamy.

After a couple seconds they both hugged each other. She couldn't believe that Bellamy Blake was still alive. She hugged Raven, Clarke, and Octavia. She then made her way back around to Abraham. Addy locked eyes with her father. The sadness in Marcus's eyes after his own daughter didn't hug him.

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