No Regrets

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"We aren't making many friends, if they are working and getting two meals a day." Bellamy suggested while he, Addy, and Clarke stocked rations.

"Well it'll have to do because once those doors close they'll be getting one meal a day." Clarke corrected.

"Try one meal every other day." Raven stopped what she was doing to add to the conversation. "Hunting parties are coming back with less and less. Thanks to your friend Niylah, we are preserving a lot of meat, but it's still not enough. Without a way to make water, growing protein like we did on the Ark is not an option. Remember that when we are starving." Raven threw a backhanded comment to Addy. Addy threw the rations on the shelves.

"Trust me I won't forget. Nor do I regret it. Look, I saved people. Unless we are truly living by sacrificing the few to save the many, I'm a hero." She continued stocking. "I'll make up for the lost protein. I'll go hunting on my own. Just maybe give me a break." She threw the last of her pile onto the shelves, and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Clarke called after her.

"You need more food, that's where I'm going." She left the room.

"Well I for one won't be starving, because I won't be inside." Bellamy added.

"Yes you will." Clarke argued.

"Does that mean you made the list?" Raven asked.

"No." Clarke said simply. "What about drinking water?"

"Clarke, don't change the subject. We need to know who is going to be on the inside of these doors when the radiation comes."

"We don't need to know now." Clarke whispered.

The P.A. system went off. It called medical to the front gate. Addy rushed to the front.

"Do not come any closer." Miller ordered. Addy pushed to the front.

"What is wrong with you?" Addy ran up to him.

"They're sick."

"Yeah, so help them." Miller just stared at her. She sighed and walked up to them. "Nyko, what's going on?" She looked at the people.

"They need Skaikru medicine." Nyko begged. She looked at them and nodded. Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven joined not too long after.

"Luna?" Bellamy said. Addy had just noticed her.

"Please don't turn us away because of what I did to you." Addy noticed her face was broken out.

"It's radiation." Addy mumbled running her fingers across Luna's face.

"Let me through." Abby was pushing through the crowd. Abby kneeled down by Addy.

"They are infected with radiation."

"When did the symptoms start?" Abby looked at Luna.

"Right around when the fish started dying." Luna managed to breathe out.

"The fish are dying?" Raven butted in.

"In every direction." Nyko added.

"Which means we are running out of time." Addy stood up. "We need to get more hunters out, to kill what we can." She whispered to Clarke and Raven.

"We can't spare the people." Clarke admitted.

"We are gonna have to." Addy looked at her. "The animals are dying. We get to them while they are still useful."

"If they are dying, it means they are full of radiation."

"I don't see any other option." Addy fought.

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