Melting Pot

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Jasper pranked Jaha, by putting his mattress on the small pond outside of camp.

"He's awake." Jasper called out when Jaha finally woke up. Small laughter filled the area. "He Jaha, looks like you got floated." Addy chuckled. She stood next to Harper, as they passed small remarks.

"You're keeping yourself busy Mr. Jordan." Jaha commented.

"Oh, I'm living it up. Every last day." Jasper called back.

"Do I want to know how you managed to do this without waking me?"

"No, probably not. But the effects are harmless. I promise. Kind of." Jasper turned and walked away.

"Alright we've had our fun. Let's get back to work." Clarke ordered.

"Princess buzzkill ruined the moment." Addy added. "Good thing I'm the fun one, or we would be doomed." Harper laughed audibly. Harper and Addy went back to their task.

"Black rain! Sound the alarm." Harper called, hearing the thunder. Everyone ran to the ship.

"Jasper!" Monty yelled. Jasper was acting as if it was a joy ride. He slowly walked.

"We can't keep living our life in fear." The rain began to pour. Addy jumped out of the opening and ran.

"Addy! Addy, get back here!" Harper called after her. She held her jacket above her head. Jasper was on the ground gagging.

"The falling." He choked out, before getting up and laughing. Addy dropped her jacket.

"You stupid son of a bitch." She smiled, shoving him backward. "Don't worry. It's just rain." Addy called after everyone. Everyone turned to walk further inside.

"When did everyone lose their sense of humor?" Jasper watched them walk away.

"When they were scared of their skin burning." Addy chuckled. "Come on, let's go dry off." she began to walk back inside.


"I have an announcement to make." Monty's voice came over the P.A. "The Ark will only save 100 people." Addy and Harper looked up from their task. "Clarke made a list. Who thinks they are on it." Monty started naming off names. Everyone surrounded the area hoping their name was called. Addy felt sick to her stomach. When he finished the list, Addy's stomach dropped.

"I didn't survive the ice nation, just to die because you don't think I'm not good enough." Riley was the first to speak.

"Riley, You're smart, but you were training to be a guard on the Ark. We only need so many soldiers." Clarke tried to calm him, but Riley continued to argue. "I know this is a lot to take in, but the list had to be made towards women who are young who can have children. To ensure the survival of the human race." Clarke continued.

"Wait, she gets saved because she can have kids? How is that fair?" a man spoke up.

"It's not fair, it's smart." Clarke started.

"Yeah, what about Harper? What about Addy who can have kids, and is a trained engineer?" Monty interjected.

"There's a chance Harper could drain medical resources. And Addy-"

"Addy what?" Addy bucked up to her. She chuckled. "I see what you did. You went into medical records to decide." She looked at Harper. "Your dads disease is hereditary."

"You are condemning me to a medical disease I may have some day? That's rich coming from someone who put herself on the list." Harper argued.

"And Bellamy Blake? Come on?" a man added.

"Of course Clarke and Bellamy would be included. Strong leadership is essential for survival." Jaha cut it. Addy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "So you don't like the list. Consider it shredded. Now, we can fight and die, or work together, and give everyone a shot at survival." Addy audibly laughed and slowly clapped her hands.

"I see. I'm not a leader because I've gone insane. Is that it?" Jaha tried to cut in and argue. "No, no see I have always known I would be expendable in her eyes, but you? You Jaha, constantly fed my mind on the Ark, pushing that I would take my fathers position one day or even yours." She stepped into the middle where Clarke and Jaha stood and announced for everyone to hear. "You all think I'm loony, but let's not forget who is at fault. If not for Jaha, the chip would have never happened. My brain would have never been fried."

"Without the chip, ALIE would have never warned us." Clarke argued.

"Don't even get me started on you, bitch."

"Hey," Jaha cut in again. "I have a proposal. We hold a lottery. Whoever doesn't show up for their assignments, is not entered in the lottery. We get this finished, and when the time comes, we draw 100 names." He began to bark orders. Addy huffed. People immediately rushed to work. All but Addy, Monty, and Harper.

"This is corrupt. No matter what the people on that list are saved. I know for sure that I will not be on the other side of those doors." Addy knew her fate. Clarke would never change her mind. She hoped Bellamy would, but she knew she had no shot. "Why should I work on something, and then die." She turned and walked away.


Word Count: 830

Uh-Oh. Who guessed that Addy wasn't on the list?

I couldn't put her on there, because then there would be no drama!!

Next chapter, she will reunite with Bellamy, and then there will be tension between them, because she's not on there but him and Clarke are, and blah blah blah!

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