3 - "I love you."

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it has been 2 weeks since I saw yeji on the music room.. Well.. we're close now. We always hangout on the tree, music room, library. We study together at her house. Well not mine.. because I have this parents who are very mean to me. I hope to escape them one day.

I was too busy looking at yeji's beauty, She was talking. But I'm not listening to her. Currently, she's teaching me out math leason.

Am I this inlove?

"Got it?" She says, looks at me and I turned back to reality. "Uhh Y-yeah yeah I got it." I said and keeps on nodding my head, She just chuckles how I acted. "Well.. I hope your not admiring someone well i was talking." She says. Were on the library, Oh i forgot. 3 weeks before our performance, I have a bad card. I'm not on the top. Well... When my parent's knew that I wasn't studying well, They compared me.

My room was a mess. Well.. thankfully yeji didn't notice my eyes, we had a short video call after that happened.

Back to the library.

"Are you okay?" She suddenly asks. Silence is loud, I don't know what to say. "Let me repeat, are you o--" before she can finish, soobin walks towards us. "Hey Jiji, How are you?" Soobin waves at yeji, and sits at the empty chair. "Stop calling me that, and I'm fine. Just teaching Ryu." She anwsers. "Are you free Tomorrow? 6:05?" Soobin asks, I guess soobin is trying to ask yeji out.. I'm not jealous. "No, I'm not. Sorry" Yeji anwsers, "oh.. okay! Bye now, I need to do something."

"Yeah yeah, bye." She waves goodbye to soobin. When soobin wasn't around she looks at me, "Your quiet. Can I check your wrist?.." she asks me. "Uhh why.." I'm curious why. "Uhmm.. nothing. Wanna check your wrist.." she says and I let her check my wrist.

"Ryujin?" She looks up, "Yeah..?" I look at her. "Why do you have this 2 cuts on your wrist? You were quiet this pass 3 hours. What's up?" She says, She's worried. Oh no.. "nothing.. I just accidentally uhh.. cutted myself." I lied, I remember I did fruit ninja after my mom compared me.

Life is getting hard.

"Ryujin, Tell the truth." Yeji says to me, She's worried. "Fine, I accidentally cutted myself because I broke a glass." I said, lying again. "Really? Don't lie to your president. You don't act like this all the time.." she says. "Just keep on tutoring me, Don't worry. Thank you for your concern I guess.." i said, she nods and countine to teach me.

4 weeks to go before our performance, I'm not very excited. I hope yeji watches us... Anways, Yeji and I have been meeting in the music room, She teached me piano, Even tho I can play piano. Not too good, Justt.. Enough. She's really good at piano, I wonder if she currently likes someone, I because I do.

Her, Hwang yeji herself. I don't know if i can tell her, Will our friendship will be ruined? Is she straight? Does she likes me? Will anything happen if I confessed? Well.. I got alot going on in my mind, it's hard tho.. I still don't wanna tell me feelings, I had trauma.. Maybe she'll spread it to the whole school after she rejects me, But she isn't like that, right?.. i guess.. she's very nice tho.. She sometimes go to the hospital to visit her sick grandma, I sometimes go with her. The first time I came there, Her grandma though I'm her girlfriend.. Funny. I think yeji is straight, She's girly, Likes pink, I don't know.. I still don't know alot about her sexuality..


Ryujin-ah~" I call ryujin, I waited for her to answer.. but she isn't. "Ryujin?" I call her name again, I look at her. She's spacing out again, I giggle at her. Then all of a sudden she gets back to reality, "Ryujin-ahh~" I call her name, "Are you calling me?" She asks. "Yes, I said your name 4 times." I answered her question, "I'm sorry." She apologize, "It's fine! What were you thinking?" I asks. "Oh uhm.. I'm just gonna keep it a secret." She says, "Okay then."

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