4 - Mixed signals.

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1 day passed. No chatting eachother, Ryujin waited for yeji to chat. Yeji on the other hand was busy, Busy with someone? Busy with studies? She's busy on school, Since she's an ssg. Oh.. I forgot to tell that she's an ssg, Why she's busy with school?

She had alot of things to do, She doesn't have time to talk to anyone. She's missing ryujin already.


I'm finally almost done. Gosh, Being one of the officer is hard. It's currently, 1:48 AM, I did sleep. Don't worry, I ate too. I have alot going on my mind.. my mind is messed up, How's ryujin doing? I haven't chatted her for 1 day, Today is the 2nd day I haven't chatted her. She hasn't chatted me either.. What's up with her..? Well.. she keeps on posting on twitter, I don't get it? She doesn't chat me, But active on twitter? What's the problem..

Later, We will have class. Yes, class. It's the deadline today, Mr. Park's assignment, It's today. I hope ryu did it.. I'll kill her if she didn't. Yesterday was raining, The classes was canceled since the rain was heavy. They had to cancel it, if it countined.. then we will have an issue. It's good that We didn't have classes, All of levels at school didn't have class. Why is it good? Not because I can play games all day. So I can finish my works, I already finished mr. Park's assignment, Not today nor Yesterday, I did it when It was announced.

It's annoying and hard if I have alot of works to do. I mean, Who would play games while they have works to do? Not me. But who? Give an example, Joking. I'm worried, Ryujin isn't chatting me. Did I do something bad to her without me knowing?? I still don't know her sexuality.. she doesn't know I'm bisexual, Yet.. do I like her? I'll avoid that question for now.. I wanna hangout with her after class, I'll chat her before class starts or just come to the tree. I hope it isn't wet.

I wanna talk to her, I miss her. You don't know how much..


I keep on checking my phone for any messages from yeji. No messages. What's the problem? Did I do something wrong? Lol I'm overthinking.. I did mr. Park's assignment. If I didn't, Ms. Pres will kill me.. I'll meet her at the tree, Hoping to meet her at the tree.. I wanna talk to her so bad. It's currently 4 36 AM in the morning.

I'm cooking pancakes cause why not? I'm hungry. Class starts at 6:45 AM. I woke up early, I don't know why. I could play pubg and valorant still.. Plus genshin. What did ms. Yeji do yesterday anyway? All I did yesterday is do 2 homeworks, 1 assignment that I'm missing. After that, I played games. Yeji probably did her works.

I'm not used to us not talking.. we always talk together. I didn't knew we will get this close.. hah.. if your thinking that I like her, No I don't.. No.. Never. Will I regret saying no? I don't know.

Minutes pass

I'm done cooking the pancakes. My sister woke up, It's now 4:58 AM. I'm getting ready , Hoping to see Yeji at the tree.. There's where we always meet.

5:07 AM

Aish.. she's here.. what do I say.. Should I go out without saying anything? Well that gonna be weird.

Are you stupid ryujin? Yes. I am.

What do I do.. what do I do.. WHAT DO I DOOO??

Someone suddenly calls me at my back.

"Hey ryu." Who's this.. I looked back to see someone.. who I clearly don't know who she is... she is prett th-

"President is callin' you to talk." She says, "why?" I said and tilted my head Confused. "I don't know? Now- oh-" before she can finish her words someone grabs my hand. "Miss ryujin, We need to talk." PRESIDENT commands. "Okay, miss PRESIDENT." I said, we went outside the classroom but.. she stopped.

"Don't call me miss president. I don't like it." She says facing me. "O-Okay??" Nervously said. She suddenly walks more closer to me, I keep on stepping a step back.

But I hitted the lockers.

"Heyy! Too close!" I said closing my eyes avoiding eye contact. Then I suddenly feel her hot breath on the side of my ear.

"Why didn't you chat me." She whispers. I pushed her away, lightly.. "Because, You didn't chat me too! I was waiting." I answered. "I was busy, I'm sOrRy." She says in a weird voice and rolls her eye on me. "Goshh... Ryujin doesn't love me anymore." Yeji suddenly says that made my eyes open wide. "Shocked?" Yeji smirks.

Of course I am, why would she say that.. as a friend?? As a- no. Nono, She's giving me mixed signals no.

"Zoning out?" Yeji said looking at me. "I'm sorry lol haha.." I laughed nervously not knowing what's happening.. were in the school.. not outside..

Woahoh.. she's walking close to me again..

"you okay?" She asks. "I'm f-fine.." I said, My eyes flashed into her lips. "I didn't say if you are fine, I said. Are. You. Okay." She said with cutted words, I closed my eyes to prevent looking at her kissable lips..

"Yeji, I'm okay. Don't worry, just have alot going on my mind." I said. "Oh.. is hwang yeji on your mind?" She JOKINGLY asked me, I ignored her and walks away to go to the tree, "YAHH! WHERE SRE YOU GOING?!?" She shouts.

How is she not embarassed..??

I keep on walking ignoring her, Then I hear her running after me. "YAHHH!!!" She keeps on shouting, again and again. We reached the tree, And I sat at the grass. I looked in the sky, I hear her breath.. she's tired from chasing me. She deserves it.

She sat beside me. "Yes, She's on my mind." I said. "Not you answering me after I chased you." She said and punching my shoulder lightly. "What do you mean?" I looked at her.

"You said I'm on your mind?" She says looking at the sky.

Oh fuck..

"Really..? Did I..? Haha.." I laughed nervously, She looks at me. "You did, Ryu."

Did she just call me ryu?

"I was jokingg!! Joking.. yeah.." I said. "K." She answers, she suddenly looks down. I ignored her, And gets my phone from my pocket.

Why.. is she.. flirting with me earlier.. weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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