two | clandestine meetings and longing stares

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hannah entered the girls bathroom and saw shauna sitting on the counter, crying. hannah went over to her and sat up next to her. she put her right hand on shauna's back and ran her index finger up and down.

"what happened, shauna?", hannah asked.

shauna began to hyperventilate and buried her head into hannah's shoulder. "she hates me. she said she's gonna choose jeff over me. she said we're done being together."

"oh, shauna. im so sorry.", hannah replied in soft tones.

shauna kept crying but looked up at hannah. the red head wiped away shauna's tears and smiled.

"you'll be okay, shauna, i promise. jackie is just one girl. you'll have a lifetime full of girls to fall in love with. people like jackie, they come and go. you need to find the one that'll stay by your side no matter what and i know for a fact that you'll find that person.", hannah assured to shauna.

shauna wiped away the rest of her tears and sat up. "you're right. i need to shake this off. we have to get ready for our last game before nationals! thank you, hannah. i needed this. you're such a good friend. i'll see you in the locker room before the game!"

the brunette left the room and hannah sat there with tears forming in her eyes. she thought this conversation would be different. she thought that this would be the one for herself to tell shauna that hannah loved her. it wasn't.

hannah got off the counter and fixed her face. she didn't want to look red in the face before her first class.


after the school day ended, hannah entered the locker room to get ready for the game. the girls were all giggling to one another. hannah look around and saw van laughing away with tai. then charlotte matthews came up to hannah with a smile on her face.

"what's up, hannah? what's with the sad look on your face?", lottie asked.

hannah sighed and sat down on the bench. "it's her, again. i've tried almost everything and i've gotten no response. i don't know what the fuck i should do, lottie!"

lottie sat down next to her and fixed hannah's hair. "come on, hannah. she's just getting over jackie. give her some time. it'll be fine."

"you always say that and then i'm back at your house crying over her again.", hannah replied.

lottie chuckled. "yeah, you're right on that part," hannah shoulder chucked her, "i'm kidding! jesus. when you're horny you get aggressive."

"lottie! i'm not fucking horny! what the hell, girl?", hannah exclaimed.

lottie burst out laughing at hannah's remarks. "oh my god, you're hilarious. also, we have to talk about this later! we have a game to win!"

lottie got up and went to fix her hair. hannah got changed and made eye contact with shauna. they both smiled at each other and hannah felt her face getting all red. she had to stop. she couldn't give shauna any notice that she loved her.



shauna drove in silence to lottie's farm. neither hannah or shauna spoke one word to each other. there was faint music playing in the background but hannah kept her eyes to the front and refused to look at shauna in anyway. hannah kept her hands in her lap. she fiddled with the ring that she got from van a few years ago. they both got matching rings after their mom died. it made them feel closer as a wack ass family.

shauna pulled up to the gate and opened it. lottie gave shauna the code before she left to pick up hannah. she drove through and hannah looked around every window she could to take in what lottie had created. it was insane. it looked like a campground. shauna pulled up in front of one of the buildings and got out. hannah stepped out of the car and immediately felt van's warm embrace.

"vanessa!", hannah exclaimed.

she hugged her sister tightly and felt tears rolling down her own cheeks.

"i missed you, hannah.", van said softly.

hannah gave her the same remark back. they both let go of each other and the girls looked around to take it all in. shauna was standing by misty quigley.

"hannah! it's been so long!", misty exclaimed with a large smile on her face.

"misty. it's good to see you.", hannah replied.

the two girls gave an awkward hug to one another. tai walked up to hannah and have her a hug.

"you've definitely grown.", tai said.

hannah chuckled. "yeah, we're definitely not 16 anymore."

"oh definitely not.", tai replied.

the girls laughed a little bit. then lottie began walking towards them. van was startled. she didn't know about anything that happened since lottie got back from switzerland years ago and it showed.

"lottie?", van whispered.

shauna looked at hannah and hannah looked at shauna. the two girls had a sense of urgency. they both had their flight or fight mode turned on. the question is, what would they use towards lottie?

"shauna. vanessa. taissa. misty. natalie. hannah," lottie began, "we're together again."

tai scoffed. "together, my ass."

"do you have a problem, taissa?", lottie asked, harshly.

"no, lottie, i don't. i don't have a problem with this fucking cult that you built! oh, wait, actually, i do! when were you going to tell us any of this?", taissa yelled.

lottie spoke in hushed tones but they could still hear her. "tai, it's alright, i promise. i will explain everything. please, just follow me."

the girls were hesitant but they followed lottie into one of the larger buildings on the camp. shauna stayed close by hannah. they were inches apart but side by side instead of face to face. instead of what shauna wanted them to be.



alright another chapter finished. i'm kind of proud of this one! the season finale is tomorrow and i'm scared SHITLESS. if anyone dies i'm suing showtime. no question about it.

also, shoutout to aursters  who got the chapter one title right! it was in fact "The Archer" by my girl, "Taylor Swift". STREAM KARMA FT ICE SPICE IT SLAYS

i'm rambling ANYWAYS hope this chapter is good!!

clio <3

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