Be Careful What you eat?

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Ewwww What are you eating Allen?
Oh it's a burrito wrapped with bacon on the outside stuffed with a lot of meat he said.
Allen that stuff is really unhealthy for you?
Who are you my mother he said.
No I'm the person that's trying to keep you from gaining weight and more weight.
Well Connie I do have a high metabolism.

Allen never cared about his weight or how much food he love to eat. Allen just knew he loved to eat. He didn't care what is was or how much calories. Everyone knew him town because he will win every eating contest from wings to seafood.There was also prizes involved mostly money.

While Allen was eating he noticed there was a contest coming up a rather strange eating contest. There wasn't any information about what type of food they will have to eat but he saw the grand prize for  1st place was 5,000 dollars. Allen knew he had to enter the contest. He ran outside to show his wife Connie the contest.
"No Allen! You don't even know what type of food you will be eating she said."
"It's 5,000 dollars what it could be? I've almost eaten about everything he said.
Come on Connie! We can take that special vacation you like! You have been talking about all year!

She looked at him and smiled him. She looked into his eyes she knew she didn't want her husband to go through with it but she always supported him no matter what.
"Okay! Allen let's do this!
"Yes thank you my loving caring wife he kissed her on the cheek."
"I just hope I'm not making a big mistake she thought"

The next day they both arrived at the small town eating contest! They were cheered on as everyone saw them walk by. Connie felt nervous about the contest but she saw how happy Allen was about. He hasn't won a contest since the last year eating contest. Connie noticed something strange she looked to her left and she saw two strangers rolling in the food for the contest. She wonder what kind of food would they make the contestants eat for that much amount of money. Allen tapped on her so they could get head start on getting prepared for the contest.

"Allen Are you sure you want to do this?. She asked.
"Yeah sweetheart why not! Just think about us sailing on the pretty blue ocean seas."
"Yeah said said quietly!
"Alright Contestants are you ready to get this contest started!!!

"I have to go I'll see you when I first place he smiled. He kissed her in the check and walked to the contestants table!

" You guys Already that we have our winner of all the past contests Allen Smith!! Everyone cheered! Now let's bring out the mysterious food that our contestants will be eating for 5,000 dollars. Everyone cheered.

The food was brought out under a blanket and placed right in front of all 6 contestants.

Sooo Let's reveal what is hiding under the mysterious blanket!! Let's countdown! 1,2,3 remove the blanket..!

When the blanket was removed the contestants look with disgust as they observed the food that was on the table. It had a horrible smell to it with a rancid look and green-brown color to it.

Well of course this year we had to make it more challenging!! Guess what it's for 5,000 dollars as the crowd cheered on. Allen knew that food wasn't at all appetizing something as almost like a pig would it. Connie look horrified as she looked from the distance it was definitely mysterious meat or whatever it was.

Let's eattttt the speaker yelled!!
The contestants scarfed down the food as quickly as possible but is was already one contestant who couldn't keep it and quit.

One by one the contestants started to drop like flies no one could barely keep the disgusting food down. Connie watched as her husband continued to eat the nasty smelly meat. She watched the other contestants get terribly sick as doctors were called in. She knew she wanted Allen to stop eating the meat and she didn't care about the money. When she looked up she saw that Allen was the only standing and that he kicked his plate cleaned.

Well it looks like our winner once again for years and row is Allen Smith!! Yayy as the crowd cheered on for him. Allen was victorious again no could ever defeat the king of eating contest champion. Connie smiled and waved at her husband and smiled and blew a kiss her way.
Allen was so happy that he didn't notice his stomach was in knots. He got off stage and held his stomach. Connie raced to his side.

"Allen are you okay she said shakily."
"Connie I'm fine we just won the money we can take that trip.

More knots started rumbling in his stomach and thru soon turn into cramps.

"Allen you need a doctor she said.
No I'll be fine he said.

He stopped again only to collapse on the ground.
"Allen she screamed. Everyone rushed over to see what ease going on.

She noticed Allen hands started turning green that his were also green. Connie could only watch in horror as her husband started changing. He coughed up off green plant mucus.. Everyone else could not believe their eyes.

"Allen Connie whispered as tears filled her eyes.

It wasn't Allen anymore. He had transformed into something else. Something green???

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