The Letter

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The Letter

The most beautiful poems can be written in a letter. I found an old shoe box from when I was young with a letter addressed to me.It was from parents. I love going through my old things and finding valuable things that I forgot about. I opened the letter and I can feel how beautiful the letter was written. What could this note be about? It looks like it was written over a year ago. As I opened the letter I noticed something small fell out of the envelope. It was a key but why a key? As a reading the letter I noticed small details throughout out the letter. My parents were adventures they love to travel overseas to help other countries. I was told at 10 years old that both of my parents were lost at sea that they never recovered the boat they were in. I use to always tell myself that they will be back they were on a big adventure. I was sent to live with my Aunt and Uncle until I grew up. Now that I'm in college I really wanted to know more about my parents. This box was the thing only that kept me close to them. It was an island that parents always talking about living on because they love traveling throughout the sea. I always wondered if my parents were really gone or maybe they could be living on the island they always talked about. The clues were bringing me closer and closer to really figure out what happened to my parents. I always told my Aunt and Uncle that I always had dreams about them and they told me to read the letter in my box. What if they were stranded? What if they need my help? I examined the key they left me and noticed it was a locket with their picture on it. I just smiled because I know how much I missed my parents. It was something at the bottom of the page that I really couldn't make it so I grabbed a magnifying glass to read it . It told me to follow the clues and you will find us. I knew it my parents were still alive and I had to save them. There was also a map In the envelope and gave me exact directions. I packed up a few things and raced downstairs. My Aunt and Uncle was at work and it didn't get off until late. I ran out the door and grabbed my bike my parents gave me exact details where to start. I asked one of my closet's friends to come with me and that my parents were alive and now we need a boat. I'm coming mom and dad let the adventure begin I said with a smile.

The End!

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