Chapter three

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The day before Classes

It's Sunday, classes start tomorrow, and nothing I've tried has worked on Draco.
From trying to 'help' without making it look like im helping to trying to keep my cool and be civil with him.
From all the years that I've known Draco, i know that asking him 'what happened?' 'How Rae you feeling? Does it hurt?' Will end in swallowing some very nasty cusses.

I know him. And living together will be the best opportunity to know what actually happened.
I also know the fact that he is in the extreme level of pain, and he is not showing it.
I know because i was the one who had convinced st. Mungos to admit Draco 'Black' as a patient.
It was bad enough that the boy had two brown legs, one broken arm and pelvic dislocation with nerve damage, he was a death eater, not by choice, but they didn't know, i had to save him.

There was a time when i wished him and his whole fucking family death... it was the day i lost Sirius. But the mere thought of him dying makes me not live either. I feel this gut wrenching pain every-time throughout my body when i remember his condition, Narcissa crying on the floor in the open, no one there except me and Hermonie, and the broken and shattered body of Draco fucking Malfoy.
I remember. I fucking remember how no one, no fucking healer accepted him as a patient.
So i had requested for Draco to be admitted and he did.
Narcissa had no money, she didn't ask though.. i overheard her asking the healers if she could pay them in instalments, and i give her every fucking penny i had to see Draco alive.

Some people would say i am in love with him.

But i don't know.

Is it love? Maybe.
But I think seeing him alive and happy is a silent wish i hold for him.

Maybe that's (love) the reason as to why im in our bed, woken up for the past 2 hours and am looking at the perfection that is Draco.

His beautiful blond hair that i, for the first time have seen messy, his pearl white skin, so flawless, so creamy, his lips, so pink so fucking perfect.
If only it were a dream and he woke up to smile at me in the sweetest way, full of joy and kiss me.
Maybe say he loves me.

Maybe... maybe this is my real silent wish.

As if one que, Draco slowly opened his eyes, his face relaxed, just adjusting to the light, only to lock eyes with Harry.
Now wide awake, Draco had his heart beating wildly in his chest, he wanted to move but after his body being in rest, he needed someone to help him to get up, his body didn't have that kind of strength without warmup.

"I can't get up without help. What's your excuse?" Draco asked, trying to be coy in attempt to get help without asking for it.

"Maybe i just wanted to win this staring contest Draco." Harry spoke making Draco shiver, fuck his morning voice .

"Sure you are Potter." Draco scoffed, forgetting his plan to get help without asking.

"Whatever." Harry got off the bed ad Draco cursed at himself.
Why do i have to be such a fucking dic-
"C'mon, let me help you up." Draco heard Harry say as a hand touched his shoulder making him know that Harry was just behind him.

"Ohh.. okay.." Draco muttered.

Harry slid a hand under Draco's waist, and the other under his head, and helped him up, instantly he jumped to taking off the covers and moving the legs to the side of the bed.
It didn't take Harry two seconds to swiftly get Draco's soft slippers and having him wear those, after a sufficient getting used to his body sitting, he blushed as he grabbed
Draco's-not-so-good-but-not-in-a-cast-arm and placed it on his shoulder ad grabbed Draco softly on his waist and one hand on the back of his head and got him to stand up, holding Draco in the same position for about 30 seconds and then leaving him.
While Harry felt as though it was nothing, this raised a lot of questions in Draco's mind.
"How'd you know the exact procedure of getting me off?" Draco's eyes widened and so did Harry's along with a dramatic head woosh towards Draco, "THE BED. Get me off the bed i meant! Anyway! Fuck that shit. Im gonna go and freshen up... yeah.."
Draco was gone but Harry had still stood there, giggling, but suddenly imagining it... how Draco would look... shivering under him, naked, hard and with Harry's cum all- FUCk. WhAt ThE FuCK.
"BREAKFAST! Yes. I should- i should prepare breakfast... yeah.." Harry mumbled as he headed to the kitchen.

" 'procedure of getting me off?' What has happened to my fucking brain!!" Draco groaned as he locked the bathroom doors and agonised over his bullshit.

While Draco was in the bathroom, Harry had. Smile on his face and pancake in his hands.
Yes. He knew that hard headed people fall for soft food.
Harry got two pancaked ready with four bowls filled individually with chocolate sprinkles, maple syrup, chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

"What smells so good?" Draco's voice echoed as Harry picked up everything and placed it on the table.
"Pancakes. You can. Eat, I'll go and freshen up.." Harry felt sad that he wouldn't be able to eat with Draco... he planned this wrong.

As Draco started cutting a triangle, his eyes fell on the plate on the other side of the small round table... Harry's plate... he will have to eat alone...

After a while when Harry came out of he bathroom and came down to the kitchen, he saw Draco reading a book on the chair with their food untouched.
Harry smiled softly, being careful to not ask questions or tease the other boy, taking a seat, and appreciating the gesture by giving Malfoy a soft smile with a slight head movement.
Draco stopped reading as soon as Harry took a seat and looked at Harry, catching him smiling back.
"These are delicious... Harry." Draco spoke, making Harry look at him in utter surprise and the warm feeling of acceptance.
"Thankyou... means a lot Draco." Replied Harry smiling, making Draco mutter a 'no worries' as he gobbled up hi breakfast.

Its going to be nice.. staying with him.


Hehe, hope you like it!
Who do you think thought the last line?
Next chapter coming soon!
Ps. Have you all seen the new Netflix series XO. KITTY?

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