Chapter Two

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Dallas POV

I woke up to loud pans clattering down stairs and two kids screaming and running around.

I turned over to see Soda passed out, wasn't he suppose to be at work?

"Soda" I mumbled. No answer, "sodaaaa"

I start shaking him, "Soda wake up"

He scoots over a little, "five more minutes"

I look at the clock on his wall, he had about 15 minutes to get his ass up or else, "Soda you have work, wake up!"

I heard a car pull in, it was probably Steve.

Steve was Sodas best friend, they meet in grade school.

They both worked at DX, it was the most hoppin' gas station here weather it was Sodas looks or Steves service with cars, no one knows.

Steve works part time-with school and all and Soda works full time to help Darry pay the bills. Soda only had work since he dropped out of school, somethin' to do with bad grades and that he's stupid or some shit.

Soda tossed out of bed, and started getting dressed for work, finally he got up.

"What's wrong?"

"Mhm? Oh, uh nothing" I guess I was still a little zoned out.

He laughed as he went into the bathroom to grease his hair, why is he so cute?

...I'm not gay though.

I like women, actually- I LOVE women- I've dated a bunch of them, one being Sylvia.

This soda thing will be gone very soon.

I hopped out of bed, i was still wearing my clothes from yesterday-they reeked of alcohol.

I walked downstairs-While soda was still getting ready in the bathroom, honestly he takes forever.

I saw Two-Bit tackling Ponyboy to the ground, while Mickey Mouse was playing on the TV.

"Dallas? I didn't know you were here." Darry said, raising a brow.

"Soda let me stay- Buck kicked me out"

I scratched the back of my neck, and got a low mumble from Darry in response.

Soda was finally ready and was coming down the stairs, he had his DX shirt on which was blue, it matched his eyes.

"Soda Shoes" Steve pointed, while eating a whole chocolate cake.

He looked down and went into the other room, and came back with them in his hands.

"Ready?" Steve asked.

"Yeah" Sods replied, he sounded exhausted.

"Alright, remember no party's, no screwing around while I'm gone, and NO DRINKING"

"Yeah yeah we got it Darry" Two-Bit said, while pilling on Pony.

"And lay off of pony will ya?"

"Yeah you trash animal" Pony replied.

Darry said bye, while taking Soda and Steve to work before he had to.

I could hear the car tire from Darrys car screaming its way down the street, the darn thing was annoying.

But then again the car use to be their parents before so Darry refuses to get a new one which leaves Steve ending up fixing it a lot.

Sodas POV
It was almost 8:00pm when Steve dropped me off. We both had to stay extra hours since we've taken to many breaks during our shifts.

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