Chapter 15 (The Morning After)

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Wake up sexy, Keenan said. I opened my eyes and he made breakfast for me. I was still on the fact he said he loved me. I don't know if I believe him or not. Keenan let me ask you something. What's up? Do you really love me, or you just love me as a friend/side piece? Lol no, I really love you. Like I told you last night, I been had feelings for you. We both know I can't really feed into my feelings for you right now. So, what's up with you and Jackie? We still together, just kind of taking a little break. Well y'all not together hell. She actually out of town for a few days, she felt like she needed some space. Aw, what's going on?

   She having family issues, business kind of dropped a little, and a few trust issues. You wanna talk about it? Not really. You sure we good Keenan? Why you keep asking me that? A lot of people felt like even tho you got your money back; you was still going to try to get back at me. Naw, all I wanted was my money back. I didn't care about the drugs, getting shot, or you stabbing me. I just wanted my money back and we was even. If you wouldn't have gave me my money back, then it would have been a real problem. You know I don't play about my money. I know, that's why I was so paranoid. I tried to stay gone as much as possible. Yeah, I noticed but you ain't gotta worry about nothing, we back to normal.  It felt good to hear him say that. Now I ain't gotta worry about him trying to kill my ass. I'm more excited about the fact I can keep getting that dick. Karter too busy to fuck me and Jaydan not ready to make that move yet. So im glad we back to normal.

   What you got planned for today, I asked? Nothing really, make a few drops. Wanna ride with me? Sure, let me take care of a few things and ill meet you at the spot. Now things starting to feel like old times. It's been a minute since I did a drop with Keenan. That just let me know, he really being sincere. I wanted to stop by Lakendra and let her know everything was ok between us.  Hey girl! Hey, when you get back? Yesterday, just wanted to come by and let you know I talked to Keenan. Aw, how that go? Everything actually good now. He apologized for what he did, I apologized for what I did, and then we fucked. Really Crystal? What? Then what happened? He told me he loved me. And you believe him? Yeah, he actually was sincere about it. After we fucked, he spent the night.

    At first, I was thinking what you thinking now. I thought he was setting me up too, but he said we good since I gave him his money back. I'm about to go meet him so we can do a drop. Crystal you can't be fucking serious right now. What? Are you listening to yourself? You acting as if nothing never happened between y'all. What you want me to do? We was both wrong and we both apologized. It ain't nothing left to do. You sound real dumb right now. Stop thinking with your pussy and wake up. I know what this man said to me when he came over. He don't give a fuck about you giving that money back. He damn sure don't love your ass. Yeah, he probably love you as his other bitch but he don't love you like you think he do. I need you to wake up fast. 

   Look, I believe him and I know he was sincere. I'm not thinking with my pussy, im forgiving him and moving on like my mama taught me. I didn't come over here to hear this. I just wanted you to know things was good between us. If you think things good between y'all, good for you. All im saying is don't fall for that shit. Think about what he did to you. If he really "loved" you, he wouldn't have done that to you. Point, blank, period! You can believe him all you want but when shit backfire don't come crying to me. Wow, some friend you are. Don't give me that shit Crystal. You know im a true friend and im always here for you. When I see you making the same dumb mistakes, im not going to keep standing here trying to keep you from jumping off the ledge.

   You don't know him like I do Lakendra. All I know is he been cheating for 6 months, give you money for fucking you, disrespect you when he feel like it, use you, and he watched his homeboy fuck you. You right, I don't know him like you do. Look I gotta go, ill call you later. I left Lakendra house and headed to meet Keenan. I understand her point but I believe Keenan. I really believe he love me and he sincere. I'm going to prove her wrong and show her he really do love me. So, I made it to the spot and was ready to ride out. How many drops you got, I asked? Just 3 and I got one big one I need your help with. What's up?

   So, I gotta big drop in a few days and I need you to push it for me. Why you can't do it? I'm too well known, ill get busted if I do. So, what you need me to do? Just go in, make the drop, get the money, and job done. Don't sound too hard, when is it? I'll give you the details in a few days. Cool, I said.  So tell me about this nigga I been hearing about? Who? The nigga that can do so much for you than I can. Oh him, well we haven't really talked much lately. I kind of had to get rid of him, he not on my level. What you mean? He a good guy and stuff but he didn't have time to fuck me. Lol that's all you want. We wasn't talking so I needed some dick from somebody. He too respectable for me. Lol damn shame.

   I did miss you, I said. I missed you too sexy. Bonnie & Clyde back on our shit, Keenan said. I told Lakendra we was back cool and she flipped out. Lol why? She think you playing me, you going to set me up, and you don't really love me. She been trying to get you to stop fucking with me since day one. Think she just want me for herself, Keenan said. Lol you not her type. Well she just want you to be lonely and sexless like her ass. You know that will never happen. Do you think im playing you? At first, I did but I think you sincere. Just because I can't be with you like that don't mean I don't care about you. We got a connection that I don't have with nobody else. Yeah I know, that's why I don't listen to Lakendra. She don't see what I see in you. She just know what I tell her.

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