Chapter 106-110

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Chapter 106
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Miss Cousin is Always Busy (GL)
Chapter 106
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Early the next morning, the Luo family descended the mountain the same way they ascended it. Only, the circumstances in which they arrived at and departed from the temple were slightly different.

Luo Minghuan preferred to mind her own business, so she had the carriage driver slow down their return. When Jun Zishu and Luo Minghuan arrived back in the Luo Manor, the Seventh Madam's trial was already nearing its end.

"Master, you should just confess. That way, you can still…"

A maid with tears covering her eyes bitterly kowtowed in front of a bound woman.

Being greeted by such a scene as soon as she returned, Jun Zishu put on a frightened appearance as she held Luo Minghuan's hand tightly.

Noticing her wife's reaction, Luo Minghuan gently patted the back of Jun Zishu's hand to console her.

"Confess? You cheap wench! To think that I raised you all these years! Even a dog would've been more loyal than you!" the Seventh Madam said in a hoarse voice, her expression contorting as she laughed maniacally.

When the maid started crying and arguing again, Jun Zishu hid behind Luo Minghuan. Then, she quickly scanned the room and found that Lord Luo was absent.

How strange. His beloved concubine has just cucked him, so why isn't he here? No matter if it is true or not, shouldn't he come to take a look at the very least?

[Lord Luo left earlier on.]

Little Fairy, who had been spectating the trial from start to end, explained. She truly had nothing better to do in this world, so she paid even closer attention to gossip than Jun Zishu.

Did he express any doubts regarding this matter?

[No. He merely had Madam Luo do as she saw fit before taking his leave. He was so cruel. When the Seventh Madam heard his words, she instantly crumbled and started crying and yelling. She only stopped after she got gagged again.]

After getting her answer, Jun Zishu resumed spectating the show.

Meanwhile, after seeing that Lord Luo paid no heed to this matter, Madam Luo no longer had any concerns holding her back. Immediately, she gestured to the old female servant standing beside her and said to the Seventh Madam, "Drink it."

"I won't drink it! I won't drink it!" The Seventh Madam frantically shook her head, her expression looking like she had just seen a monster when she saw the bowl of medicine in the old servant's hands. "The child in my stomach is the lord's! It's not a bastard! I want to see the lord! I want to see the lord!"

"Pour it," Madam Luo commanded again while fiddling with her nails.

Immediately, the old servant grabbed the Seventh Madam's chin and poured the medicine into the Seventh Madam's mouth. Although some of the medicine fell to the ground during the struggle, half of it had still made it into the Seventh Madam's mouth.

Jun Zishu frowned and looked away at this sight.

"Can we leave, Husband?" Jun Zishu asked in a very small voice, an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Everyone in the room, whether it be family members or servants, wore indifferent expressions.

Through relying on such public and slanderous means, they had killed a life that had yet to even leave its mother's stomach.

It was no wonder the Sixth Madam, who had suffered through a similar fate several times, had gone crazy.

Luo Minghuan nodded to Jun Zishu's request. If it were in the past, she might have stayed out of interest.

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