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No young woman, no matter how great, can know her destiny

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No young woman, no matter how great, can know her destiny. She cannot glimpse her part of the the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, she must live and learn. And so it would be that the girl, a young witch, will arrive at the gates of Camelot. A girl that, in time, will bear a legend and rule beside a great king.

Her name, Merlyn.

It all started with small things. It took Hunith a while to realize it was her daughter, but why would she have thought it was her in the first place? Unusual items started to float, and things would just materialize out of nowhere with no logical explanation. Everything changed, though, when she saw the gold light in her daughter's eyes. Hunith hoped that Merlyn's father's genes wouldn't be passed on to her because she wasn't sure whether they would. She never abandoned her child as a result, of course. In fact, it seemed to strengthen their bond. When they went into the forest to harvest fruit, flowers seemed to bloom in her presence, and nature seemed to be drawn to Merlyn's presence. She never abandoned her child as a result, of course. In fact, it seemed to strengthen their bond. When they went into the forest to harvest fruit, flowers seemed to bloom in her presence, and nature seemed to be drawn to Merlyn's presence.

How could she despise her daughter because she was a witch? It was not something she could control, nor was it evil magic. Even the right way to utilize incantations to hone her magic was unknown to Merlyn. Merlyn has no idea how to use incantations properly to hone her magic. Given this, Hunith dispatched her to Gaius, her elder brother who lived in Camelot. She has no choice but to turn to this former magic user and Hunith was frightened she might lose control and turn dark as a result. Although she didn't want her daughter to leave because she was her only family, she was more concerned about her daughter's well-being than her own feelings for Merlyn.

Hunith's eyes welled up with sorrow as she watched her daughter pack her rucksack. Merlyn would thrive in Camelot; she had taught her enough about court behavior, how to speak to them (she was formerly a highly regarded court member in Camelot), and city customs. "Do you have everything?" she croaked, her face forlorn.

"Stop worrying, will you? It'll only take a couple of days to get to Camelot." Merlyn reassured.

Hunith sighed and held the scroll addressed to the physician in her fist, her fist curled around it. "Now, take this to the court physician, Gaius." She gave a weak smile and continued, "He'll give you a place to stay and look after you in Camelot."

Hunith's eyes were already welling with tears, with a few stray drops streaming down her cheek, but she didn't move to wipe them away since she was too busy repeatedly kissing Merlynn's forehead and cheeks.

Hunith sighed and held the scroll addressed to the physician in her fist, her fist curled around it. "Now, Gaius, take this to the court physician." "He'll give you a place to stay and look after you in Camelot," she said, her eyes welling up with tears. Tears were already welling up in her eyes, a couple dripping down her cheek, but she didn't move to wipe them away; she was too busy kissing Merlynn's cheeks and forehead again and over.

Merlyn let out a small grunt and pushed her away. She was smiling, and it was a great smile, bright and joyful. Hunith would miss it. "Okay. Gaius, the court's physician - go find him. Got it," she said again, but as her mother wiped her tears away, she bit her lip and held her mother closer. "Stop fretting. Remember that I can defend myself if necessary? I love you." She kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you, Merlyn," Hunith said as she clenched her eyes tight, relishing the last few seconds she'd have with her daughter before she left. "I'll miss you so much."

"As will I." Merlyn agreed.

"Oh! And don't forget that no one but Gaius must know about your magic, all right? And don't tell him straight away because you might give him a heart-attack," Hunith told her, smiling fondly.

"Yes, I know!" Merlyn chuckled. "Goodbye," she said as she started walking toward the trees.

Merlyn had hardly reached the trees when two arms wrapped around her waist and drew her back into a warm chest. "Are you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" he murmured in her ear, his chin grabbing her shoulder. She turned with a smile, allowing her hands to clasp behind his neck.

"I said goodbye last night... but, I didn't really think you wanted to talk to me," Merlyn said. William was her dearest friend, who had recently become her companion. They had argued till the dawn rose and their voices were sore from shouting after she had told him last night about her plans to leave Ealdor for Camelot. But there he was, beaming at her, his brow resting against hers.

"I don't want you to leave with us on bad terms," he said. Will felt his arms tighten around her - he didn't want her to leave, it wasn't what he had planned. He loved her too much, he believed, but he didn't care; he wanted to marry his best friend. But, now that she was leaving, he didn't think that was probable. "And besides, how can I ever stay mad at you?"

"I don't want you to leave with us on bad terms," Willaim replied. Will felt his arms encircle her more tightly; he didn't want her to go because it wasn't his original goal. He thought he loved her too much, but he didn't care because he wanted to marry his closest friend. However, he didn't think it was likely now that she was going. "And besides, how can I ever stay mad at you?"

They were basically the same height and she didn't need to stretch up to kiss him. He was another reason why her mother was sending her to Camelot - he knew too much about her magic and, while Hunith trusted Will, she didn't like that he knew more than he should. But, that didn't stop her from telling him. He was her best friend, and how could she not tell him? Only now did Merlynn feel the pain of leaving her home, and felt tears burn behind her closed lids as their kisses became more desperate. She felt his fingers dig into her hips and knew her nails were leaving indents in the back of his neck, but neither cared.

They were around the same height, so Merlyn didn't have to reach up to kiss Will. He was another reason her mother had sent her to Camelot - he knew much too much about her power, and while Hunith trusted Will, she didn't enjoy the fact that he knew far too much.

That didn't stop her from informing him anyway. How could she keep this from him when he was her best friend? It was only at this point that Merlyn experienced the anguish of leaving her house and sensed tears welling up behind her closed eyes as their kisses grew more intense. She could feel his fingers digging into her hips and her nails making indentations in the back of his neck, but neither of them cared.

When they finally released each other, it was only because they needed to regain their breath. Merlynn ran her fingers through his hair, then pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'll miss you," she whispered against his skin.

Their eventual release of one another was only due to their desire to catch their breath. After stroking his hair with her fingers, Merlyn brushed her fingers through his hair before kissing him on the cheek. "I'll miss you," she said softly against his skin.

"You have no idea how much I'll miss you," Will answered, a shaky chuckle in his voice. "Merlyn, come back soon, yeah? Ealdor's boring without you."

"I haven't even left yet!" Merlyn's voice cracked with a tiny laugh.

"Exactly, and it's already boring. So that means you have to stay!" Joking aside, Will never wanted her to leave - persuading Hunith would've never worked (the woman was as stubborn as a mule), so he had no choice but to accept it. But he already felt like he was losing her, despite the fact that she had made it obvious last night that he would never get the chance.

Merlynn smiled and climbed out of his arms to the top of the rock they had previously claimed as theirs. "You know I can't, Will - but, I'll try to contact you as much as possible, okay?"

"You better," Will said, winking at her. "I love you."

"I love you!" Merlyn yelled back as she vanished from view.

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