The Once and Future Queen

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Merlyn enjoyed seeing Arthur train

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Merlyn enjoyed seeing Arthur train. She was going to admit it to herself. It was all in his body attitude, his gaze after removing his helmet, and his desperate desire to succeed with a phenomenal level of skill and passion. They were all endearing features that she would acknowledge she found attractive. He had mellowed after the Sigan Incident, and she had long since forgiven his prattish attitude.

Jousting. This was a sport in which two men on horses charged each other with enormous poles in their hands, attempting to knock the other off with said object. It was a really dangerous activity. Merlyn winced when Sir Leon was thrown from his horse, but smiled as Arthur trotted closer to her. He returned it and removed his helmet, showing untidy helmet hair that stuck up in all directions. Merlyn let out a snort.

"I don't understand this game. It seems too painful for one's own good," Merlyn remarked, glancing over at a dazed Leon. "That's three points, right? For hitting his chest?"

"That's the point, Merlyn. It's not a pillow fight, but a competition. And good work, you're actually paying attention." Arthur's remark was lighthearted, and he nodded toward the blunt piece of wood on the wall. "Fetch me the lance, will you?"

Merlyn handed it over and stood there watching Arthur lead the horse back into place at the other end of the field. The sunshine caught on the metal of the lance and grabbed his sight as he sped out into a hard gallop toward Sir Leon. To avoid the unexpected flash of light, Arthur's head pivoted, leaving him open to the other knight.

However, Leon's lance rose, and they passed in a tie. Merlyn looked about, puzzled as to why Leon had purposefully pulled out, and dashed over to Arthur as he dismounted the steed.

Outraged, Arthur stormed over to Sir Leon, who didn't even appear to be guilty. He didn't seem shamed in the least. "Why did you pull out? I was wide open! You could have unhorsed me."

"I was fearful that I may injure you, Sire," Leon explained quietly.

"You had the advantage. You can't afford to hesitate." Arthur said.

"I wouldn't have done if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord." Leon said digging himself a hole.

Arthur raised his brow dubiously. "You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win?"

Leon shook his head, but there was a glint in his eyes that Arthur knew meant that he did. "No, My Lord."

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Arthur exclaimed angrily. "I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood?"


"How am I going to prove myself if my opponents aren't trying their hardest?" Arthur ranted, stripping off his armour.

"I'm sure it's not happening all the time," Merlyn defended.

Arthur turned on Merlyn. "So it's happening some of the time?"

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