Chapter 1

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*Flashback  from last night

"Hey guys" I said walking down the stairs to Tyler's house basement, I found them preparing the instruments so we could start playing.

"Hi Avery!" Jessica said as she gave me a hug. "Come on hurry up let's get started".

Every day, me and my friends, Jessica, Tyler and Nick, would come here to play music, it's our favorite thing to do for the last couple of years. We never recorded anything yet, we just played and wrote songs for fun. Jessica sings, Tyler plays the drums, and Nick and I both play guitar. I've known them since middle school, I first met Jessica, then she introduced me to Tyler -who was her crush back then, and still is- but Tyler said he liked me so she got mad at me for god knows what, so she ghosted me for a week even though I don't like Tyler, but he was a cool guy so I became friends with him. Later on she apologized and then Nick came along, I don't remember how we met him exactly but we all became friends up until now.

I plugged my guitar then we started playing. After playing for almost two hours straight, we decided to take a break and order some pizza.

"That was amazing, we haven't played that long in a while", Tyler said as he laid down on the couch.

"Yeah I'm so exhausted", Nick said while whipping the sweat off his forehead.

"So..when do you guys think we should start recording our songs to put out an album?", I said grabbing a beer from the fridge, "It's already been a week since summer vacation started, we shouldn't waste anymore time".

They all looked at each other then suddenly started laughing.

"Put out an album", Jessica said sarcastically.

"Good one", Nick said while chuckling.

"What I'm being for real, weren't we supposed to start an official band and make music as a career?".

"No, are you kidding me? We never said we would. Besides, making music isn't an actual career, a side gig? Maybe, but an actual career? Yeah right", Tyler said.

"Yeah you must be out of your mind, it's just a hobby, of course we'll go to college and study for real jobs, won't you?", Jessica said chewing gum and all I wanted to do is punch her in the fucking face.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs, "I didn't apply to any college!! I've always told you that music is my life and I wanna make a career out of it!".

"Yo calm down, but are you serious?", Nick said widening his eyes.

"Yes I'm fucking serious!! Didn't we all planned to do this? And don't try to fucking deny it!!"

"I mean..yeah we did, but we were never really serious about it", Jessica said looking at everything but me.

My blood is boiling and I just want to punch everything in sight. "Well I was serious about it!!! You never told me it was just a 'hobby' for you! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?! Huh?!!"

"It's not our problem..", Jessica mumbled under her breath and I just wanted to take her eyes out and shove down her throat.

"You know what? Fuck you!", I said pointing at Jessica, "and fuck you!", pointing at Nick, "and fuck you too!", pointing at Tyler, "fuck all of you and fuck this band and fuck being friends with you, y'all suck anyway".

I took my guitar and was about to leave, then Nick said "yeah? You think you're better than us? Well try making one cent out of this then we'll see who actually suck".

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