Chapter 7: The Journal

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It has been almost three weeks since the three guardians have joined Scylla Fangs and things quite haven't been the same since than, our heros were nearing the beginning of August. However their morning started with Corlia along with the Startis siblings sat around the small coffee table in the lobby when suddenly Akari walks in with Letia and the Startis twins and saw Kyo and Reiko lying dead on the floor.

"Uh...what's wrong with those two?" The silver haired girl asked, pointing at them briefly. "They've been up since the crack of dawn for some reason, and apparently just now they got back from the Dimitrious resident." Nita replied with a sigh as she sipped on her coffee, Judas was right next to her lying his head on the table.


"In this freaking heat?! Are you crazy?!!"

"Umm actually it's only 100 degrees out there."


"Don't yell! We can barely think with our heads." Reiko said as she panted relentlessly, it was only around 8 AM where today was considered the hottest days of the year.

"All in favor of doing nothing all day say UGH!!" They all groan in frustration due to the high heat temperature. Now every summer they would open the pool here in Lapis which is a very close venue to the Dimitrious household and the Camero Beach.

"Why're we here again?"

Marjeria pulled her twin brother to a corner as she kept on explaining to her friend's ultimate plan. "to have you get out more, and start making friends like me for once in your useless life."

"Fine, I'll do whatever it takes to be a part of this dull activity..which is what, by the way?"

"I told you already! Corlia said that Reiko is planning a bonding activity for our Letia with her siblings, I mean can't you at least appreciate how considate that is of her and the others?"

"Ugh alright don't worry I brought my speedo if that's whatcha wanna hear!!'

"What's the whispering's about? You didn't plan something behind our backs, did you?" Nita murmured from right behind Marjeria who got startled by one strong tap to the shoulder abruptly.



"No...why?" Letia answered, really confused as to the cause of her friend's upbeat attitude all of a sudden, the other Startis twin approached Reiko who was writing in her personal diary,"uh...why is she being louder than usual?! Are you having a heatstroke?"

"That's exaggeration, but nope she's fine. Isn't that right, Corlia?" Reiko was too lazy to stand up so instead of pulling an effort she kicked her.

"Oh yeah totally."

Nagisa and Tsubasa had to work extra jobs on supervision in other places close to the beaches and the public pool that was opens only for one day due to the overheated temperature on this very day of summer, they split up with Lydia and Rai as they went to grad protection supplies from the storage room near the guildhall's office where Tetsuya has been all night looking for somethings he kept hidden awhile for an old friend.

Being told to go on ahead, the younger Dimitrious siblings arrived at the lobby entrance of Scylla Ravine. The door open frantically as they were dying to get inside for some air conditioners "finally I can breath!!" Lydia dramatically slid to the floor as she panted nonstop.

"Seriously!! even the umbrella you made me carry?!"

"Hush lemme breath and take in this refreshing scent of summer. But who's making sweets early this morning if... Akari is right here."

Guardians of Lapis-A New Age: Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now