Chapter I

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Drowning. Pain. Darkness. The only three things she seemed to remember. Other than that, her mind was blank, wiped clean.

She coughed up water and gasped for breath. Panic bubbled to the surface. Her hands gripped the cold, metal grates in the floor as she searched for some sort of stability.

Whatever she was in hurtled upwards, the speed seemingly increasing as time went on. She didn't know how long she had been trapped in there, but she couldn't call out; any attempt of yelling was in vain as her voice came out in nothing more than a raspy whisper.

Her eyes had started to adjust to her surroundings and she looked around. Crates and boxes were stacked up all around her, limiting the already tiny amount of space she had.

Just as she was getting used to what was happening, everything came to a sudden, sharp halt. A light flashed green as two doors parted to reveal a blinding light.

She lifted her arms up to shield her eyes as she squinted, trying to make out something, anything.

A ripple of gasps sounded out.

A rattle in the cage signalled someone had jumped in with her and their face came into view. It was a boy. He had blonde hair and deep, brown eyes that offered a sense of calm to the girl as she looked up at him.

"Hey, newbie. I'm Newt. Can you tell me anything about yourself?"

She didn't answer. Her mind felt empty. Words seemed impossible to form. She was like a stranger to herself.

"Alright, well, we're gonna get you out, okay?" Newt calmly told her.

A rope was passed to her and she clambered out of the cage. A sea of boys - just boys - parted as she moved to take in where she was.

Four stone walls towered above her, green ivy clinging to them. Clusters of trees were dotted around the large square of grass and wooden buildings protruded in different places.

She continued to scan the place until her eyes landed on an opening in the walls.

This seemed to wake something up in her.

Her mind began racing at a million miles per hour as she considered her options; stay with a large group of boys that would do god knows what or escape.

Her legs sprung into action as she made a mad dash for the gap. There was no reaction for a few seconds as the boys took some time to register what she was doing.

"STOP HER!" someone yelled.

"DON'T LET HER REACH THE MAZE!" someone else shouted.

That didn't deter her, however. She continued with her mad dash for freedom and eventually she crossed the threshold.

While she was in a place full of vibrant green and warmth, whatever this place was, it was completely different. It was like the life had been sucked out of the place, all colours drained.

"MINHO!" she heard Newt call. "GET THE GIRL!"

A boy who turned round a corner opposite her halted in his tracks as he saw her. His eyes were wide with alarm. Clearly, he hadn't been expecting her, or anything like her.

She decided not to dwell on that, though, as she turned down a different passage, many boys still in full pursuit of her.

"STOP CHASING ME!" she demanded, her voice finally returned to her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Before anything else could happen, she was tackled to the floor. Her head smacked onto the hard stone ground and everything went black.


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