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Hello, Welcome to my Naruto Wonderland, I got a few things to say! 

First, all Naruto rights go to the creator, Masashi Kishimoto, so anything canon goes to him! 

Second, all OSTs that I used for my characters for their themes go to their rightful owners, I am not a musician or a singer. 

Third, symbols or logos from the internet go to their rightful owners as well, I only use them for fan-made clans, only then. 

Fourth, my Ocs are strictly mine, I will only allow them to enter a fanfic as LONG AS YOU ASK ME FIRST!  

Fifth, Do not press the issue for fanfic. Naruto is painfully long with many filler episodes and movies, meaning I have to put my entire time into it, which is hard enough with only a single desktop downstairs, it wouldn't be so bad but I live with my family so I cannot get on the computer every day due to them but also it is not really healthy to be on the computer all day XD.

Lastly, I'm a big LGBTQA+ supporter, so most of my characters will be shipped with males or females or both or not shipped at all.

Thank you for reading. 

P.S. If you see this: REDO, that means I will come back to my oc to revamp it, so yeah, cringe post first then revamp lol

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