Saki Inuzuka (REDO)

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Name: Sakilast name: Inuzuka

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Name: Saki
last name: Inuzuka

Age: 12-18
Birthday: July 7
Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair Color/ Style: Kinda long messy dark brown hair ( Change over time)
eyes color: Black

Height: 4.9(change over time)
weight: Unknown

Likes: Anything with Meat, unlike her brother she loves spicy food, hard candy, reading, bugs, she loves every animal, and finally training.

Hates: chocolate, People picking on Hikaru, Korra, and Hinata she just has that overprotective vibe, bitter things, and finally Seaweed.

Personality: Short-tempered ( like Kiba) However, She often calm, Royal to anyone she cares for, Like To tease, Reckless at times, Smart but not like Hikaru smart or Shikamaru smart but smart enough to know to run from dangerous opponents, Protective for her teammates and Family, Finally Prideful

Normal clothes: Black/ Brown hoodie, Gray Jeans, Blue ninja sandals, right Light blue kunai holder, and finally Red Leaf ninja headband.

Rank: Genin.

Chakra Nature: Earth Release
• Yang Release

Family: Tsume( mother)
Hana( older sister)
Kiba( Twin brother)

Clan Background: The Inuzuka Clan (犬塚一族, Inuzuka Ichizoku) or Inuzuka Family (犬塚家, Inuzuka-ke) is a family of shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks.

Appearance- Saki, 12-year-old girl, 4'9. She short compares to her brother. Hinata happens to be an inch higher than Saki. She barely has muscle but it shows from her training. She isn't like Kiba. much. She loves to train so she spends most of her time with her mother and sister learning jutsus and Stuff.

Dream #1: Saki wants to be a veterinary medical-nin like her sister not because she wants to follow in her sister's footsteps. She wants to do this because she loves Animals.


Beast Human Clone- is a Transformation Technique used by the Inuzuka clan.

Combination Transformation- An advanced form of the Transformation Technique, the Combination Transformation transforms two users into one being and also gains the physical abilities of the transformed entity.

Fang Passing Fang- The user and their ninken partner spin at a ferocious speed and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The force of this attack is strong enough to drill through stone. When this attack is done alone, it is called Passing Fang.

Fang Rotating Fang- The user and their ninken partner roll at a ferocious speed in a buzz-saw like a shape, and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target.

Four Legs Technique- This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high-speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal. Taught only to the members of the Inuzuka clan, this technique forms the basis of an Inuzuka clan member's taijutsu fighting style, and will add even more to their feral-like appearances; their canine teeth, their finger, and toenails grow to claw-like length, their eyes also become wilder with their pupils becoming slits.
When under the effects of this technique, an Inuzuka will display great feats of physical strength, speed, agility, and endurance. The form is best suited for using and supporting the ferocious "hit-and-run" tactics that the clan is well known for, leaving the enemy barely any time to launch a counter-attack. This fighting style is named Beast Human Taijutsu (獣人体術, Jūjin Taijutsu, literally meaning: Beast Human Body Technique) by Kiba and it contains many attacks such as secret techniques.

Saki also knows medical jutsus but its basic ones.

Forbidden Jutsus/ Justus Saki made with Korra
1. Forbidden Ninja art: Chakra Chains, this allows User to throw Chakra like a whip at opponents. It completely Stops the enemies. It also can be used as Chains to completely stop the stronger enemies. It like Shikamaru Jutsu. However, Saki can only use for 10 mins. 3 days. Chakra's cost is a lot if she goes past her limit... She critically ends up in the hospital cause the Chains are tied around her muscles and heart.

Bio: Saki Inuzuka Daughter to Tsume. Younger Sister to Hana. Twin sister to Kiba. However, Kiba and Saki are fraternal twins. Her mother Tsume wasn't really expecting to have twins. So when she found out she was having a girl along with a boy. She decides to name the girl Saki because Sa means Blossom. Ki Means hope. Kiba Means Fang or Protected.

Ever since then Kiba and Saki were inseparable. Kiba at a very young age gotten Akamaru by Their mother. Saki was sad she couldn't get one but Kiba being Brother Ask Akamaru to be both his and Saki Partner. Akamaru agreed until Saki get her own. So from that day forward Kiba, Akamaru and Saki became closer than ever before.

She often gets into Trouble with Kiba and his group of friends. Which she didn't mind. During that time when Kiba, Akamaru, and Saki met Hikaru in the weirdest way. Hikaru appears out of nowhere and hugged poor Akamaru Surprise hell of Kiba and herself. After all that 2 siblings plus puppy quickly became friends with Hikaru.

Saki, Kiba, and Akamaru had to go home. Once they went down the hill. Saki notices Hikaru's sad look. So Saki and Kiba talk decide to do it. Saki runs back offers a hand to Hikaru. Once Hikaru grabs Saki's hand. Saki gently pulled her. To waiting Kiba and Akamaru.

Once Saki, Kiba, Akamaru, and their friend Hikaru got home. They met a very angry Tsume. Saki wouldn't admit out loud but her mother scares the hell out of her sometimes but she loves her mother. After a very very loud lecture and a lot more yelling mostly between Kiba and her mother. Saki put Hikaru in front of her making mother stop yelling. Saki was scared her mother wouldn't like Hikaru but once she saw her mother smile. She knew Hikaru is now a member of their family.

6 years past. Saki, Kiba, and Akamaru joined the ninja Academy with Hikaru. That when they met Korra. At first, Saki was scared to talk to Korra but after seeing Korra and Hikaru fighting each other which was just bickering. She knew once again Korra is part of her family she cares and loves. After that, She joined Team 8 with her brother Kiba.

fact 1: Saki does have a crush on Hinata but hides it well from her brother and Shino. Only one person who knows and that Her sensei Kurenai Yūhi.

Fact 2: She hates Mornings. She often is carried by her brother to school, to train, to missions. Most of the time Kiba went to get Hikaru because she can wake up Saki with one word or sentence.

Weakness: Weak against Water Jutsus
Weakness 2: Hinata mostly because of her shyness or Hinata ability to calm down Saki with ease. Which surprised the hell out of her brother.

Weakness 3: Saki is weak against head rubs. She wouldn't admit to her family because it is a strange trait to have. Saki's best friend Hikaru found out about it always use it against her.

Quote: "I Like Animals because they are not consciously cruel and don't betray each other. " by Taylor Caldwell

Quote 2: " If it's possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it's possible to be healed by another" by Sohma Hatori ( Fruit Basket)

Quote 3: " How should I say this?... Some people have bad past to point it makes them evil. Some have a great past that makes them good. However, it not always about people who have bad or great past. They make the choice of being evil or good. But I don't think people that choose evil aren't all that bad. They probably fighting for their loved ones too just like we are." By Saki to everyone. ( basically by me )

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