The Bloodline's Problem With Kevin Owens Gets Taken To Court

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In Jimmy Uso's POV:

After the night I got attacked by my brother, I started becoming more worried about Jey, and the reason why is that he is the coolest brother I've ever had in my entire life. That's why I don't wanna lose him.

Anyway, after Jey stopped showing up, I told Roman that we're taking this Kevin Owens problem to court.

Next, Paul said, "I don't think it's a good idea, Jimmy."

After that, Solo said to Paul, "Well, we need to do something about this, Paul."

"Ugh, fine, we'll take this to court," Paul said, "but just this once."

"Okay, then, let's do this, shall we?" Roman said.


In Paul Heyman's POV:

The next day, we were all getting ready for court.

Solo was looking at himself in the mirror, Roman was acknowledging how awesome he is, I was making sure we know the reason why we are having a court date with Kevin, and Jimmy, well, let's just say he was still worried about his brother Jey and what happened at Royal Rumble.

After we all talked, we were ready for the court date.

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