I Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, Won't Let No One Break Your Heart

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CW: Swearing

There is a dotted line separating the Non-Con from everything else. If you need, please read below the lines or exit this fic; Thank you

A few hours after talking to Helen, Jane slowly succumbed to sleep as Daria and her finished another horror movie. At first her sleep was pleasant, a very typical slumber for her but, slowly sweet dreams turned into a nightmare from hell.

Jane stood in front of an easel, painting in the room that she inhabited at Ashfield. When the door slammed and a vengeful face entered the room.

"You fucking bitch; Why couldn't you have kept your damn mouth shut!"

"Alison, get out of my room."

"I apologized to you and here you go telling everyone about my business!"

Jane cowered as Alison yelled, her body shaking and tears pricking her eyes.

"Have you heard of the phrase snitches get stitches because you're about to get some."

Alison grabbed Jane and pinned her to the back wall. Alison let go of her for a second and when Jane stayed, she spun her around. Alison untied Jane's apron and turned her back around. She grabbed the hem of Jane's shirt and attempted to pull it off.

"No, Alison, Stop, No!" Jane screamed, kicking and flailing about as much as she could.

In response, Alison held her down and swiftly put her hands under her shirt and unclipped her bra. Jane completely froze, letting Alison strip her down as warm liquid ran down her jeans.

"Awww, did wittle baby Janey have a wittle accident." Alison teased as we zoom in on her devilish grin.


"Mama!" Jane screamed and wailed at the top of her lungs.

"Jane, what's wrong?" Daria slowly sat up and put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Oh Jane, what happened?" Helen opened the door and slowly approached Jane. Jane flew towards Helen and held her tightly as she continued to sob.

"Shhh, Jane, It's okay. You're safe; I'm right here." Helen rocked Jane back and forth in her arms and stroked her hair.

Daria watched her mother intently. She watched as her mother soothed Jane like she did to her and Quinn when they were young. She watched her best friend's sobs turn into quiet sniffles.

"Mama?" Jane raised her head from Helen's shoulder and gave her a pleading look.

"Mama?!" Helen's eyes widened before smiling and tightening her embrace. Helen felt both shocked and honored to be given a parental title by Jane.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." Helen took Jane's hands and lifted her off the bed.

"Daria, can you get up for a second? I need to clean the bed." Helen lightly shook her daughter awake.

"Huh, okay?" Daria stood up and yawned.

"You have pajamas in your bag, right?" Helen saw that Jane was already getting a change of clothes out of her bag.

"Oh good; you go get changed while I change the bedding." Jane only responded to Helen with a small nod.

Jane walked to the bathroom while Helen walked to the linen closet and grabbed some new sheets and some new blankets. Thankfully, Helen had gotten a mattress protector for Daria's bed after her mother's last visit. Helen went back into Daria's room, stripped the bed and then placed the new sheets and blankets on.

"There, now you can go to sleep, sweetheart." Helen looked over at her daughter and shook her shoulder once more.

"Goodnight, Daria." Helen tucked her daughter into bed and kissed her on the forehead.

Jane came back in fresh red and black matching pajamas. She hesitatingly came up to Helen and hugged her with her thumb firmly in her mouth.

"Ah ah, thumb out of your mouth." Helen lightly scolded, pulling Jane's thumb out of her mouth.

"Did you bring a sleeping bag?" Helen asked, not feeling like bringing out an air mattress.

"Sleep wif Dawia?" Jane slurred, looking up at Helen with a adorable expression.

"I don't know, you have to ask her." Helen shrugged and pointed at Daria.

"Yeah, she can sleep with me." Daria's eyes fluttered open, scooting to the right side of her bed.

Jane toddled over to Daria's bed and slowly climbed into the space in front of her.

"Goodnight Daria, goodnight Jane." Helen smoothed out the blankets and kissed both girls on the forehead.

"Mama, stay please?" Jane grabbed her arm as Helen attempted to go back to bed. Helen couldn't help but coo as Jane's now innocent eyes looked at her.

Helen grabbed Daria's black office chair and wheeled it over to sit beside the bed.

"Do you two need anything before bed?" Helen asked, both girls shook their heads in response.

"Mama, song?"Jane took her right hand and squeezed the older women's hand, her left thumb placed back into her mouth.

"Of course." Helen responded as she took a breath in. She thought for a moment on what to sing to the two girls. A lullaby she used to sing to her daughters popped into her arms.

Sleep my baby,
Rest my loved one,
Softly slumber now with me.

Clasped in mother's arms,
So tender,
Warm in mother's love for thee.

Naught shall ever come
To harm thee,
While my loving watch I keep.

Thou my pretty one,
Shall slumber,
While I thy lullaby.

When Helen finished singing, she looked over at the sleeping girls. Daria holding on to her friend's waist tightly and Jane sucking her thumb. Helen couldn't help but smile at the scene before her.

Helen stood up and pushed the chair back to Daria's desk and went to bed at last.

"Goodnight girls." Helen quietly shut the door and joined her husband in bed.

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