Your Warmth Feels Like Home

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On a cold windy February evening; Daria walked to Casa Lane to hang out with Jane. Once Daria arrived at the house; she couldn't help but feel glad about getting inside.

"Hi Trent; Is Jane home?" Daria asked.

"Yes but she's not acting like usual." Trent gestured for Daria to come inside.

"Is she sick?" Daria hung her jacket on the coat rack and followed Trent to the living room.

"No, she's just a bit more um, child-like than usual. Daria saw Jane sitting on the floor, watching Fraggle Rock and eating goldfish out of a plastic bowl.

"Ah, got it." Daria nodded as she sat down on the couch.

"You know about this?" Trent leaned in a bit closer to her.

"Well, two weeks ago we had a sleepover and—" Jane lunged towards her best friend; finally noticing her presence.

"Dawia, you're here." Jane hugs Daria tightly and nuzzles into her shoulder.

"Hi Jane, what are you doing?" Daria asked while Jane grabbed her bowl and sat on the couch.

"Watching TV." Jane turned head back to the screen.

"Twent, can I have some juice please?"

"I'll see what we have." Trent stood up and walked to the refrigerator.

"Good job with those manners." Daria praised, giving Jane a high-five.

"Janey, we don't have any juice; do want some water?" Trent walked back into the living room and stood next to his sister.

"Yes please," Jane nodded.

Trent walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a Lawndale Lions themed sports bottle out of the cupboard and filled it with water.

"Here you go, Janey." Trent handed Jane the water bottle and sat back down on the couch.

"Tank you." Jane put the bottle in her mouth and laid on Daria's lap.

"Jane, you can't drink from that laying down." Daria pushed her best friend into a sitting position.

"Daria, so what do I do with her?" Trent asked.

"Take care of her exactly like you would a child." Daria replied as she rewound the tape and took it out.

"Where is she gonna sleep? Her room isn't safe and I don't want her in mine." Trent explained.

"Penny's room could work." Daria shrugged and pointed to the stairs.

"Shh-ot I forgot; I got band practice at 10." Trent brought his hand to his forehead.

"I could bring her to my house?" Daria suggested.

"Are you sure about that?" Trent looked over at his sister slowly nodding off.

"Don't worry, my parents know and Quinn's out of house. My mom actually took care of her last time this happened." Daria slowly shook Jane awake while reassuring Trent.

"Huh?" Jane slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

"Jane, your brother's got band practice so we're gonna see Mama, okay?" Daria held Jane's hands as she spoke.

"Otay." Jane rubs her eyes and tries to get comfortable again.

"Hey Trent, are you okay with driving us over?" Daria asked, walking up the stairs.

"Sure, you getting Janey packed?" Trent stood up and followed Daria up the stairs.

"Yep." Daria replied as she opened Jane's bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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